Boskone Information Center
Boskone 33 Information
February 16-18, 1996
(This is President's Day weekend)
Sheraton Tara, Framingham
Guest of Honor:
Lois McMaster Bujold
Official Artist:
Gary Ruddell
Special Guest:
Bob Madle
Featured Filkers:
Musical Chairs
Sheraton Tara Hotel, Framingham, MA 508-879-7200
Boskone returns to the Sheraton Tara Framingham, MA. Conveniently located on
Route 9, (Exit 12, off the Mass Pike), and a short distance to several
resturants. The hotel rates per night are: single or double $89, triple or quad
$91 and suites from $131. Phone (508) 879-7200 for reservations. Be sure to
mention Boskone to get the convention rate.
$33 until January 15, 1996. Make checks payable to Boskone
Please enclose a copy of our
membership form with your check or credit card
Boskone 34 information is now available
Contact information
Address all mail to:
Boskone 33
PO Box 809
Framingham, MA 01701-0203 USA
Additional information
The Boskone 33
current flyer
includes additional information about our guests and planned Boskone
program, events, and activities.
The current program for Boskone
- For a history of Boskone, click
- For more information about NESFA, the sponsor of Boskone, click
Boskone is a registered service mark of the New England Science Fiction
Association, Inc.
This page maintained by (Ben Yalow)