Lois McMaster Bujold is the winner of multiple Hugo Awards.
Gary Ruddell is a Hugo-nominated Artist who has done cover art for many fantasy and SF titles.
Bob Madle is a First Fandom Fan and SF book dealer, well respected throughout the Fan & Pro communities.
Musical Chairs is the trio of Lucinda Brown, Linda Melnick and Jean Stevenson. Their harmonies have thrilled convention goers for the past four years.
In keeping with our Guest of Honor's work, the theme of this year's Boskone is Reflections! We will explore the SF Universe from this unique point of view, providing an enlightining mirror into the core of the genre. We will bring you an amusing, informative and insightful look into Science Fiction and Fantasy literature, art, music and media.
The Program will carry out the "Reflections" theme by exploring the ways SF reflects the real world. The Fiction track will explore SF from several viewpoints, examining SF in literature and art. We plan to have a particularly strong Fact/Science track. We also plan to expand on our GoH's strong interests in history and cultural development, by exploring the "Culture Building" factors in our World Building panels, and by including History in the Science track.
Children's Program - see Dragonslair below.
On Friday night, we'll host a Meet-the-VIPs get together as a Winterfair celebration, as described in Barrayar and Mirror Dance. This will segue into the traditional Regency Dance. There will be a Banquet Saturday evening, followed by our brief awards presentation, and a unique entertainment. There will be a charity auction held on Sunday, and Sunday night will feature the return of the (un)Dead-Dog Punday!
We plan to expand the Art Show this year to show more SF artists and artwork.
The Dealer's Room will be chock-a-block with purveyors of your favorite books, magazines and sundries.
The Con Suite will be Convention Central. We'll be encouraging our program participants to join fans for refreshments, conversation and autographing sessions. There will also be discussion groups and other events held here.
For fans with very small children, we will again have paid babysitters in addition to member volunteers.
For the young fans, a special play-place with scheduled program items will run during the day, excluding mealtimes, Friday through Sunday.
Boskone returns to the Sheraton Tara Framingham, MA. Conveniently located on Route 9, (Exit 12, off the Mass Pike), and a short distance to several resturants. The hotel rates per night are: single or double $89, triple or quad $91 and suites from $131. Phone (508) 879-7200 for reservations. Be sure to mention Boskone to get the convention rate.
We also accept Visa and MasterCard. Please don't mail cash.
I am buying ______ memberships at $33 US each, total $_________.
I am paying by: ____ check ____Visa ____MasterCard
Credit Card #___________________________________________ Expires: _____________________
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City: _____________________________________ State: _________ Zip: ______________________
Country: ___________________________ Email Address: ___________________________________
Please attach any additional memberships and addresses. Thank you.
Please send me information about: ____Volunteering ____Joining NESFA ____Magic Tournament
Exhibiting in the ____Art Show ____Dealer's Room
(Please attach any additional memberships and addresses. Thank you!)
Mail to: Boskone 33, P.O. Box 809, Framingham, MA 01701-0203.