Boskone 33 Order Form

MEMBERSHIPS: $33 until January 15, 1996. Make checks payable to Boskone 33.

We also accept Visa and MasterCard. Please don't mail cash.

I am buying ______ memberships at $33 US each, total $_________.

I am paying by: ____ check ____Visa ____MasterCard

Credit Card #___________________________________________ Expires: _____________________

Name on card: ______________________________________________________________________

Signature: _________________________________________________________________________

Name: ____________________________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________________


City: _____________________________________ State: _________ Zip: ______________________

Country: ___________________________ Email Address: ___________________________________

Please attach any additional memberships and addresses. Thank you.

Please send me information about: ____Volunteering ____Joining NESFA ____Magic Tournament

Exhibiting in the ____Art Show ____Dealer's Room

(Please attach any additional memberships and addresses. Thank you!)

Mail to: Boskone 33, P.O. Box 809, Framingham, MA 01701-0203.

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