Boskone 34 Progress Report 1

Guest of Honor - John M. Ford

John M. Ford is a two-time winner of the World Fantasy Award. The author of eight novels, including The Dragon Waiting and Growing Up Weightless, and innumerable shorter works of science fiction and fantasy. Ford is also a lyricist, poet, playwright, and award-winning game designer.

Official Artist - Ron Walotsky

Ron Walotsky has been producing exciting and insightful cover art for almost 30 years, and his work also appears regularly on the covers of Fantasy & Science Fiction and Amazing. He was a 1993 Hugo Award nominee for Best Artist, and the creator of the limited-edition Amber Portfolio.

Special Guests - Jerry Kaufman & Suzanne Tompkins

Jerry Kaufman and Suzanne Tompkins have received Hugo nominations for Best Fanzine for both Spanish Inquisition and Mainstream. They're long-time fanzine and convention participants: Suzle was a founding member of PgHlange, and Jerry was the DUFF delegate to the 1983 Australian National Convention and a founding partner of Serconia Press.

Featured Filker - Tom Smith

Tom Smith is a Midwestern musician who's been breaking rules, stretching boundaries, and crushing stray neurons for over a decade, an award-winning songwriter whose work has had multiple appearances in Dr. Demento's "Funny Five", and one of fandom's most devastating punsters.

Boskone is a Boston-area science fiction convention with a heavy focus on science fiction and fantasy literature. Over 100 SF writers, artists, and editors will be participating in the many program items, panel discussions, art and filk demonstrations and other special events. The cost of membership to Boskone 34 is $34 until January 19, 1997.

Boskone 34 program will include discussions and workshops on many aspects of the science fiction and fantasy fields, including writing, art, filk, publishing (pro and fan), science, comics, gaming, and media. Our special focus this year is craftsmanship and the process of creating (it's more than just words on paper!) A variety of wild improvisational program items are being developed. We're continuing our popular Kaffeeklatches to provide small, informal discussions between fans and professionals, and there will also be a separate series of interactive discussion groups with program participants. We're planning to reopen a general gaming room this year, although no MAGIC tournament is scheduled. Boskone 34 will also host FanHistoricon, a mini-con dedicated to preserving and recording fannish history, with special program items and discussion groups.

But all is not serious; the con opens Friday evening with a Meet-the-VIPs party and "Introduction to Boskone" hosted by "Dr. Mike" Ford, who will explain everything you never knew you wanted to know about Boskone... Saturday afternoon features our Guests of Honor, including a special concert by Featured Filker Tom Smith.

Our Saturday evening begins with an Italian Buffet Banquet, which is something new for us this year. The meal begins with fresh tomatoes with roasted red peppers and fresh mozzarella with balsamic vinaigrette, along with an antipasto display,. Our entrees will include eggplant parmigiana, roast chicken with rosemary and red wine vinegar, and sweet and spicy Italian sausage with roasted peppers and onions. The entrees are accompanied by tortellini alfredo and fresh broccoli with lemon & olive oil. We will conclude our meal with sweet cream cannolis, macaroon cookies, coffee, tea and decaf. Reservations are required for the banquet, please see the registration form. We cannot guarantee to have banquet seats available at the convention, so order now!

After the banquet there will be a musical theater production written especially for Boskone 34 by GoH John M. Ford. Seating will be available for those not attending the banquet.

Sunday afternoon will see the return of Punday (really!), as we encourage all word-warpers to do their worst for a charitable cause. This year we are also harkening back to our earlier tradition of holding a Regency Tea. This is still an occasion for period dress (or at least period manners). Besides the opportunity for conversation, we intend to have instruction and play at whist and piquet. There can be dance practice (self-led) if the company so desires.

Our Art Show will include a special exhibit on the works of our Official Artist, Ron Walotsky, as well as over 60 panels and tables full of original first-rate SF artwork. Also check out our Print Shop for many great buys.

The Hucksters' Room will have new Books , jewelry, used Books, collectibles, antiquarian Books, fanzines, Books, and more good stuff: we'll have it all at the Bizarre Bazaar!

The Boskone 34 Con Suite is the hub of the convention. Fans can join program participants for party-type refreshments, interesting conversation, and special events.

Child Care Changes: In response to its changing demographics, Boskone has revamped its children's programs. This year, in addition to Dragonslair, Boskone will offer a new program called Space Cadets, for active children from 2 1/2 to 6 years, with plenty of energetic play, simple arts and crafts, and simple science experiments. Snacks will be provided, but no meals will be served in either program. On Friday and Saturday evenings, Space Cadets will host a party and movie geared for a younger audience.

Purchase of a Boskone membership still entitles a child to attend Dragonslair and Space Cadets programs. Advance registration is requested for both programs to assist us in planning and preparation. Space in the Space Cadets program may be limited and will be allocated on a first registered/first served basis. A child younger than 2 1/2 is welcome to attend Boskone as a child-in-tow (at no cost), and we will assist parents to make private baby-sitting arrangements if requested (please write us) since we will not provide baby- sitting at Boskone.

We recognize that these changes may cause more stress for some parents. If you are particularly affected by these changes, please contact us, and we will try to help.

NESFA Press will be releasing a limited-edition collection of John M. Ford's short fiction and poetry at Boskone 34. From the End of the Twentieth Century will include over 20 stories, poems, and other items, including previously-unpublished material relating to the Lunar Transit System of Growing Up Weightless, several pieces formerly released only in limited edition printings, new nonfiction work, and a new short story written for this collection. The book will be a standard NESFA Press hardcover (including a limited boxed edition), with cover art by Ron Walotsky and an introduction by Sandman creator Neil Gaiman.

Boskone returns to the Sheraton Tara in Framingham, Mass., located on route 9 (exit 12 off the Mass Pike), a short distance to several restaurants and shopping malls. the hotel rates per night are: single or double $89, triple or quad $99 (please contact us for suite availability). Phone (508) 879-7200 for reservations by February 6, 1997, and be sure to mention "Boskone" to get the convention rate.

Memberships: $34 until January 19, 1997. Make checks payable to Boskone 34.

Boskone 34
PO Box 809
Framingham, MA 01701-0203

Information on the web can be found at

You may use this order form to order memberships and banquet tickets.

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