Boskone 36 Advertising

We are soliciting advertising for the Boskone Program Book, which will be published in conjunction with Boskone, the regional convention to be held February 12-14, 1999 at the Sheraton Tara Hotel in Framingham, MA. Boskone is a the oldest SF convention in New England, with this upcoming convention being the 36th. This year's Guests of Honor are Connie Willis (Writer), Stephen Youll (Artist), Teddy Harvia and Diana Thayer (Special Guests); our Featured Filkers are Ed Stauff and Mary Ellen Wessels.

This year, the Program Book, Pocket Program, and Restaurant Guide will all be combined into a single publication, printed in the format of a tabloid newspaper. The book will be 11" x 17" (wxh) format. All copy must be camera ready. Camera ready copy is "black" art, a velox at 133 lines/inch, open screen, or a true halftone. Subject to availability, we will place ads on the right hand side, unless you request other placement. Color is available at extra charge - please write for information. Copy received by us which does not meet the above requirements must be specially processed. We have been informed that these charges will be in excess of $100 per hour, plus costs, if this processing is available.

Deadline for reservations is Dec 18, 1998, and deadline for all advertising copy is Jan 8, 1999. We cannot guarantee that any copy received after this date will be included in the Program Book.
Image area Professional Fan
Full Page 10 x 16 $280 $160
Half Page 4-1/2 x 16 $150 $85
10 x 7-1/2 $150 $85
Quarter Page 7-1/2 x 4-3/4 $85 $50
3-1/2 x 10 $85 $50
Special Placements:
Front half-page below the fold 10 x 7-1/2 $200 $200
Back page 10 x 17 $400 $400

Please make payment with your advertising copy.

Please write for availability of cover pages. If you have any further questions, I can receive e-mail on the Internet at

Ben Yalow, Boskone 36 ads