Saturday, February 19, 2000 Volume 37, Number 3
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As if 1pm on Saturday, we had:
455 Preregistered 148 Full at-the-door 3 Kids in tow 3 Friday-only 43 Saturday-only
652 Total attendees
Con Suite 9 PM---1 AM
Viridien Technologies Cheesecake 9 PM 173
Readercon 9 PM 337
UK in 2005 Boskone Tea Party 10 PM 342
Boston in 2004 9:30 PM 442
(photos by
Laurie Mann)
Viridien Technologies would like to shamelessly bribe IT professional into filling out a skills inventory by the raffling off of a Palm Pilot V in room 173, 9:00 PM.
Check the next Helmuth for the all-true story.
Matt Leger, Von & Deb Baker and Zev Sero had a minor car accident on the way to Boskone and were forced to spend the night in Connecticut. As their car is now undrivable, they would appreciate help in getting either to Manchester, CT (where their car is) or New York City (where they live) tomorrow (leave a message with room 167). Seconds after they finally checked in at the hotel, they had to flee due to the fire alarm. No injuries were sustained in either incident.
Items listed as being in Room 243 are really in Room 242. Use the stairs outside of Molly Malones to get there quickly.
The cover art panel with Bob Eggleton and Michael A. Burstein is Sunday at noon.
Michael Flynn will be reading at 12:30 PM on Sunday, but he will not be on the Civil War panel on Sunday at 2:00 PM.
Michael A. Burstein's reading moves from 12:30 PM on Sunday to 1:30 PM on Sunday.
Geary Gravel's reading, which had been rescheduled from 1:30 PM on Sunday to 1:00 PM on Sunday, is being replaced by a reading by Ann Tonser Zeddies (aka Toni Anzetti).
Boskone 37 Gripe Session and Boskone 38 Suggestion Session: 3:00 PM Sunday afternoon in Wexford.
The Dead Dog Dinner is at Chef Orient at 7:00 PM on Sunday night. If youd like to attend, please sign up in Service (Executive Board Room) by 1:00 PM on Sunday. We will meet in the hotel lobby at 6:45 PM to car pool over.
The Magic Workshop extends its thanks to Your Move Games in Somerville for providing some of the cards used in the workshop.
Boskone is run completely by volunteers. If you have an hour to spare, please stop by the Information Table (next to Registration).
(photos by Laurie Mann)
Joe Siclari and his trusty scanner will be at the Information Table during the weekend, scanning in photos for the Fan History Project. You can see hundreds of fannish photos from the last 60 years at If you have fannish photos, bring them by so Joe can scan them in.
The Sheraton is currently undergoing renovation. This means at least two things:
Collect signatures petitioning the Framingham Town Council for a gravity easement.
Walk through them, look confused, repeat, muttering, I dont understand, the Gate was just open
Stand between them, handing out earthquake/tornado safety pamphlets. Refuse to leave. Ask people to bring you food.
They are really building pins to keep the hotel from flying off into space.
Matt Ryan
The Art Show finally got us together --- Marianne Plumridge Eggleton about husband Bob.
If it wasnt for delusions of grandeur, Id have no grandeur at all! --- Joe Rico.
In preparing the second issue, I had to typoed Martin Hoares name. I apologize to Martin.
The date on the front page is wrong, though the date on the second page is correct.
A fan who teaches ESL is looking for a poem that featured many different pronunciations of English vowels/words (e.g. though, thought). It appeared in a con publication (such as a program book or progress report) for either a Massachusetts convention or Worldcon in the early to mid-90s. The first person to locate this poem and give a copy to Glen Cook in the Dealers Room will win a $7.00 discount off the purchase of books at his table.
Its not too early to buy a membership for Boskone 38, available now for $34. The con will be over Presidents Day Weekend, 2001 here at the Sheraton Framingham, and our guests will be George R. R. Martin, Charles Vess, Jack Cohen and Juanita Coulson.
Moon Dogs by Boskone 37 GoH Michael Swanwick is at the NESFA tables in the Hucksters' Room at the special B37 price of $15 hardcover, $21.60 boxed. This collection includes two new pieces among its fiction, the title story and "Mickelrede" (a posthumous collaboration with Avram Davidson), as well as several hard-to-find essays and other works. The cover art is by B37 Official Artist Rick Berry (and is also on exhibit in the Art Show this weekend).
Also new from NESFA Press---Music of Many Spheres: The Essential Hal Clement, Vol. 2. This is a fascinating collection of 17 stories showing the range of hard SF at its best by a master craftsman of the genre.
NESFA Sales also has B37 Featured Filker Jordin Kares just-out CD, Parody Violations, and a few copies of his earlier Fire In The Sky as well.
Last Helmuth: Sunday 10AM
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