Boskone 45 Art Show
Rules and Information for Resale
- The Basics
- Anyone with the legal right to sell a piece of art may enter it in the Art Show for resale. Each such person may authorize an agent to act as a representative.
- All entries must be on science fiction, fantasy or fannish themes. We reserve the right to reject any entry.
- Items are sold by a written-bid auction, with a maximum of four bids, ending at noon on Sunday. Items receiving four written bids will be sold at a voice auction on Sunday afternoon.
- Resale items will be hung by the Art Show staff in a reserved area of the Art Show.
- All flat entries must be matted, mounted or framed and ready for hanging.
- Once a piece of artwork has been signed into the Art Show, it may not be withdrawn nor may any conditions of its sale be changed.
- We do not provide insurance coverage for art entered in the show. While we protect your art and have not had any problems in more than a dozen years, we recommend you verify that your insurance coverage extends to display in the show.
- Each resale entrant is limited to 10 items, 20 square feet of flat art, or 10 square feet of 3-D art, whichever is less.
- Mail-in is not permitted for resale items.
- Entry Fees and Procedures
- Boskone 44's Art Show charges no commissions, but does charge a space fee. The fee for each piece is computed independently as $3 per square foot or fraction thereof (including any mat, frame, etc, but not including the bid sheet).
- If you need floor space for large, free-standing artwork, write us (please include all the details of what you need).
- Entering the Show. If you wish to enter items for resale in the Boskone 45 Art Show, fill out and return the enclosed form (RTF or PDF) as soon as possible. Advance reservations are requireddo not count on the possibility of getting space at the door. At our discretion, some or all of the space you request may be wait-listed rather than being immediately granted or rejected. We intend to resolve most wait-listed space in mid-January, just before sending out the Bid Sheet Mailing, so requests which arrive before then have a better chance of getting space. Entry forms received without full payment will be returned immediately. However, if paying in full now causes you difficulty, please send us an explanation with your entry formwe may be able to help. Payment of entry fees is by Visa, MasterCard or a check or money order drawn on a U.S. bank and payable in U.S. funds to Boskone 45.
- Within two weeks after we receive your entry form, we will send you confirmation of space or notification that your request has been fully or partially wait-listed. Contact us if you don't receive a timely confirmation.
- Fees will be refunded in full for cancellations received by February 1, 2008; after that time half of the fees will be refunded; no-shows at the convention will receive no refund.
- Proceeds from sales. We will mail you a check within a month after the convention for all sales at the Boskone 45 Art Show less any fees still owed. Sales tax, credit card fees, etc, will not affect the amount you are paid.
- Awards. Resale items are not eligible for awards.
- Additional Information
- If your entry is accepted, you will receive additional information regarding Art Show hours, hanging instructions, etc., in January 2008.
- We request that you print your own bid sheets from a PDF we will provide on our website. If this is not convenient for you, indicate this on your entry form and we will send you bid sheets in January.
- Remember: if you plan to attend Boskone 45, you must purchase a convention membership. This is not required if you are only going to bring art to and pick it up from the Art Show.
- Art Show Schedule (Preliminary)
Thursday, Feb. 14 7 p.m. until done Set-up of hangings
(everyone is welcome to come and help)Friday, Feb. 15 Noon to 6 p.m. Artist Check-in 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Art Show & Print Shop open
Awards voting10 p.m. until done Boskone Reception Saturday, Feb. 16 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Art Show & Print Shop open
Awards votingSunday, Feb. 17 10 a.m. to Noon Art Show & Print Shop open Noon to 1 p.m. Close-Out & Sales set-up 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Pick-up & Pay; Print Shop open 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Auction 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Artist Pick-up