Dragonslair—Dragonslair is children's programming for ages 7 to 12. We plan some fun and interesting activities. We'll probably have some readings, storytellings, games and crafts projects. We're also looking for your ideas for things you'd like to do—you can email us at kids@boskone.org. Maybe we'll create some artwork to be hung in the Art Show and maybe we'll just hang out and play. We have firm hours of operation; please see the list on the next page. Dragonslair will close for lunch and dinner on Saturday. We reserve the right to collect a fee for children not picked up at these times. Let us know if you will be using Dragonslair. Then come and have fun!

Babysitting—We will not be offering Babysitting this year. The Westin hotel uses the babysitting service below as its principal provider:

Boston's Best BabySitters

They also walk dogs do dogsitting.


Dragonslair7 p.m. to 9 p.m.10 a.m. to noon
1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.