Standard Software Configurations
We need to create a detailed list of the software which should be
loaded on all of NESFA's general-use computers. This issue was
discussed at an open meeting of the Computer Committee at the Other
Meeting on October 24, 2004.
This is a draft which is undoubtedly still missing some important items
and may contain some items which should be removed. Please send
substantive comments to the geeks[at] mailing list and notice
of typos and other nits to dave[at]
Standard software configuration for general-use workstations
- Windows XP Pro SP2
- Office Suite
- Microsoft Office Pro (includes Word, Excel, Access, what else?)
- FTP Client
- FTP Voyager [will copy only the changed files from a directory tree; used for website backup]
- Telnet, SSH, etc. Client
- Book publishing tools:
- PageMaker v6.5 and v7.0
- Adobe PhotoShop [latest version]
- PDF tools
- something to check that all needed resources are embedded
- what else?
- Browsers & web publishing tools:
- Internet Explorer [latest version]
- Firefox [latest version]
- Netscape v4.7 or v4.8 [used in ecommerce processing]
- Netscape [latest version] [browser only; don't install mail, news, etc. components]
- Opera [latest version]
- FrontPage [latest version] [website editor]
- HomeSite v4.5 [later versions are less capable] [website editor]
- ARealValidator [latest version] [HTML (and CSS?) validator]
- Xenu [latest version] [web spider -- checks for broken links]
- Database software:
- Microsoft Access [included in Microsoft Office Pro]
- Microsoft Visual FoxPro [latest version]
- R&R Report Writer [latest version]
- Fonts:
- Adobe Garamond
- we need to survey our current and completed projects to determine what fonts we actually use
- what else?
- other software
- Adobe Type Manager [latest version]
- Adobe Creative Suite (includes Acrobat, InDesign, Illustrator, what else? installs a printer which produces PDF files)
- QuickTime
- JetAudio [player for RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, etc. streams]
- Symantic AntiVirus Client Corporate
- Autodesk QuickCAD [latest version]
- PrintFile [sends raw data to a printer; especially useful for PostScript files]
- Sonic RecordNow [CD & DVD writing and label making]
- Java J2SE v5.0 JDK
- Norton Ghost 2003
- PIRCH98 [IRC software]
- Conversions Plus 4.5 [includes mounting Macintosh disks]
- Image Expert [is this actually used by anyone?]
- Paint Shop Pro [latest version]
- Jasc Software has just (10/2004) been bought by Corel, which has its own
product (Photo-Paint) -- so the future of this package is in doubt
- .NET framework
- WinZip [latest version]
- PaperPort [scanning software]
- OmniPage Pro [OCR software]
- Visio [specialized drawing software with hooks for extended functions]
- Peachtree [accounting/sales software]
- what else?
- Except where there are good reasons not to do so, always install all options/features of a software package.
- PageMaker is no longer supported; the current best known replacement is InDesign.
Last updated 27 October 2004 by Dave Anderson