Price: $71.40

Special order only.
Or see us at our sales tables at Boskone or Worldcon.

ISBN: 0-915368-68-4
The complete set of 15 NESFA-produced Indexes
Book Size: 5-1/2" x 8-1/2"

PO Box 809
Framingham, MA 01701
fax: 617-776-3243

Contents of set:

No indexes were produced for 1984 or 1985. With the spread of the Internet the demand for printed indexes dropped drastically. NESFA is currently working to produce an on-line index incorporating as many SF items as possible. Currently we are almost a a quarter of a million entries.

Printing History

The complete set of NESFA-produced 15 Indexes, ISBN 0-915368-68-4, $64.80, later raised to $71.40.

Note the set originally had 14 Indexes because the 1989 one had not yet been produced, ISBN: 0-915368-68-4, $57.60. The set of 15 should have been issued a new ISBN, but we never did so.

Contents of set: same as above minus The NESFA Index to Short Science Fiction for 1989.