The purpose of the NESFA Code (also called the Standing Rules) is to provide a convenient single compilation for reference to the following things:
1) Rules of general and continuing effect adopted by the Membership that can be changed only by the Membership. These are indicated in the Code by an "M" after the rule number.
2) Regulations of general and continuing effect adopted by the Executive Board (which consists of the four constitutional Officers: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Clerk). Most of these rules relate to the financial management of NESFA or custody of its property. Executive Board regulations can be changed either by the Executive Board or by the Membership. They are indicated in the Code by an "E" after the rule number.
3) Policies and rules adopted by Officers, committees, and appointed officials. These are referred to in the Code as fiats. They can be changed at the whim of their originator, or by the Executive Board, or the Membership. (A few fiats by government agencies are also included.) Fiats are allowed in the Code at the discretion of the Rules Committee, which should filter out things that are not semi-permanent or of possible interest to most members. Fiats are indicated in the Code by an "F" after the rule number.
If you find any errors or changes in fiats, or want a new fiat put in, contact a member of the Rules Committee.
There are also two appendices printed with the Code. Certain humorous motions that have been passed from time to time have been compiled into Appendix A for your amusement. Appendix B lists everyone who was ever elected to Office or confirmed in a position requiring approval by the Membership.
Most rules in the Code are followed by annotations in square brackets and italics [like this] giving their date of passage or other pertinent historical information. These annotations, along with any other text in square brackets, are not themselves part of the rules. [The historical annotations and other comments through 5/94 are by George Flynn, who takes sole responsibility for their accuracy. Thereafter they are by the Rules Committee.] The original edition of the NESFA Code was adopted in July 1971; it was a compilation of earlier rules, some passed by the Membership or the Executive Board, others based on "Tradition" or "Custom." Rules which first appeared in the 1971 Code are annotated as "7/71*". Fiats were first added to the Code in 1972.
The last printed edition of the NESFA Code was published in June 1992; updates were published in January 1993, June 1993, December 1993, and May 1994. An unpublished revision, including all rules passed by the Membership and Executive Board through the May 1994 business meeting plus a few more (to about August 1994), was added to the NESFA website in December 1998 and declared to be the official version. This document was last updated on 2015-06-18, incorporating modifications voted on by the membership and reported in Instant Message up through September 2012.
These guidelines are not intended to be final and definitive; they are intended to convey the general sense of the criteria used. Moreover, there are a variety of exceptions to these criteria which have been made in the past and which can be expected to be made in the future. In some cases the Member in question has special qualifications which outweigh other considerations. In others the meaning of the requirements are met even if the formal criteria are not. On the whole, though, these guidelines may be taken as applying in most cases.
Whenever the Membership Committee makes an exception to the guidelines in any recommendation, it shall state that it is and what the exception is. [added 11/75]
Affiliate Membership shall be offered free of dues to all fan organizations in New England. In lieu of dues, all such organizations that do not exchange publications will be asked annually to verify their continued existence and interest. [added 9/77]
["Associate" changed to "General" in 9/75.]
The conferral of the status of Regular Member is a recognition of a Member's responsible commitment to NESFA; it is not a demand for work or a reward for work. The Membership Committee looks at the work a member has done for evidence of real interest in NESFA. This evidence is a necessary, but not a sufficient, condition for recommendation. Some minimal demonstration of a responsible, constructive disposition towards NESFA is also required. Managerial/organizational skills are not necessary for the demonstration of responsibility. This can be achieved by:
delivering on promises, even trivial ones;
being careful not to promise unrealistically;
warning one's co-workers as soon as possible when promises can not be
and pitching in when one didn't promise to, if and when one can.
[7/75; the requirement of publication every six months has seldom been observed. Also of interest are the simpler criteria for Regular Membership approved by the Membership Committee in 2/75: "1) Be in the area a sufficient amount of time, whether or not they live here, and be willing to help and have sufficient time to help. 2) They should be asked what they are going to do for NESFA and why. 3) They should be available and trustworthy. 4) They might even be mature."]
The Membership Committee will consider the involuntary transfer of a Member from Regular Membership to another class only on receipt of a written complaint citing continuing or grave misfeasance or irresponsibility of the cited Member as a Member of NESFA.
If similar complaints are filed with both the Membership Committee and the Rules Committee, then the Membership Committee will defer action, until either (a) the Rules Committee reports on the complaint before it to the Membership, and either the Rules Committee or the Membership determine that there are not grounds for expulsion; or (b) three months elapse from the submission of the complaint to the Membership Committee.
In such a case, with the Rules Committee's consent, the Rules Committee's determinations of the facts of the matter may be used to aid the Membership Committee in its deliberations, though it may make its own inquiries.
The Membership Committee recognizes that there is a class of maleferous [sic] conduct which would not necessitate expulsion but would invalidate the previous judgment of a Membership Committee in recommending someone for Regular Membership. This is not to be taken to preclude the Rules Committee from recommending such transfers of Membership.
[9/75. Note the restrictions placed on involuntary transfers by Section 1.7 of the By-Laws, the present text of which was passed at the same time.]
Int. Cl.: 41 | Reg. No. 1,337,242 |
Prior U.S. Cl.:#107 | Registered May 21, 1985 |
NATICK, MA 01760
FIRST USE 0-0-1967; IN COMMERCE 0-0-1967.
SER. NO. 494,270, FILED 8-10-1984.
[long-standing policy, called to the Rules Committee's attention in 1/88]
1.9(17)M Unpaid Boskone memberships are permitted only
[9/04. Memberships for Life Members are not unpaid; NESFA pays for them from a special fund (see section 1.9(5)).]
Please follow this procedure, since it prevents different people from accidentally buying the same stuff. [1/07]
[10/85, with initial jury appointments beginning in 11/85.]
$15.00 of the dues for Regular, General, Inactive, and Subscribing Members shall be designated as a publications charge.
Annual budgets are developed by the Executive Board in consultation with both the outgoing and the newly appointed committees, and are presented to the Membership at the June or July business meeting. Upon approval, they go into effect immediately.
During the interim period between the end of the old fiscal year and the approval of the new fiscal year's budget, the previous annual budget is continued automatically on a proportional basis. Money spent during the interim budgeting period is charged against the new fiscal year's budget when it is approved.
Ad-hoc budgets may be presented to the Membership at any time. Ordinarily, the budget for the entire term of the activity is set up at one time and extends until the activity ends.
[11/83. Budgets were first required in 12/70, and from then until 1983 were on a quarterly basis: budgets were submitted to and approved by the Executive Board before the beginning of each quarter, and were voted on by the Membership at the first meeting of the quarter. The first annual budget was for the fiscal year 1983-84, adopted 8/83.]
[The number of budgetary categories has varied greatly over the years. The oldest accounting categories (10/67) were General, Index, Convention (Boskone), and Refreshment, with the Pun Fund added in 12/68. Thereafter a new category was generally added whenever a new committee with a budget was established. In 1971-72 a formal distinction into "Alpha" (dues-supported) and "Beta" (self-supporting) funds was attempted. In the mid-70's the theory was that each committee head authorized to spend money had a separate account, but more recently a number of such categories have been combined for budgeting purposes. The distinction between quarterly (now annual) and ad-hoc budgets first appeared in the budget adopted in 8/82.]
[Immediately after the purchase of the Clubhouse in 1985-86, the budget had grown to include the following 21 categories (expanded from 8 the year before): Apa:NESFA; Awards; Building Maintenance; Building Supplies; Building Taxes; Building Utilities; Clerk's Exp; Depreciation; IM; Insurance; Library; Meeting Space; Miscellaneous; PB; Program Comm; Rules Comm; Sales; Storage; Story Contest; Treasury Exp; and Trust Interest. Things have since been simplified, and for the 1991-92 budget the Membership voted on only the following 13 categories: Clubhouse Insurance; Clubhouse Maintenance; Clubhouse Supplies; Clubhouse Utilities; Misc. Program Services; Misc. Non-Program Services; IM Postage; IM Printing; IM Supplies; IM Miscellaneous; Library; Sales Postage; Sales Advertising. See the Chart of Accounts (see also SR 2.5(10)) for a more detailed breakdown, including income categories.]
The purpose of treasury reports is to inform the Membership of the financial state of NESFA or Boskone. Reports should be designed to convey maximum useful information, and should show income and expense figures for the period covered as well as asset and liability numbers. Breakdown into individual accounts should be sufficiently detailed that no additional material is needed for the reader to judge the financial health of NESFA or Boskone. [11/83]
FY | +0 | +1 | +2 | +3 | +4 | +5 | +6 | +7 | +8 | +9 |
0+ | - | 1967-68 | 1968-69 | 1969-70 | 1970-71 | 1971-72 | 1972-73 | 1973-74 | 1974-75 | 1975-76 |
10+ | 1976-77 | 1977-78 | 1978-79 | 1979-80 | 1980-81 | 1981-82 | 1982-83 | 1983-84 | 1984-85 | 1985-86 |
20+ | 1986-87 | 1987-88 | 1988-89 | 1989-90 | 1990-91 | 1991-92 | 1992-93 | 1993-94 | 1994-95 | 1995-96 |
30+ | 1996-97 | 1997-98 | 1998-99 | 1999-00 | 2000-01 | 2001-02 | 2002-03 | 2003-04 | 2004-05 | 2005-06 |
40+ | 2006-07 | 2007-08 | 2008-09 | 2009-10 | 2010-11 | 2011-12 | 2012-13 | 2013-14 | 2014-15 | 2015-16 |
[11/83: Originally a Treasurer fiat as 2.5(5)(a). 7/05: Moved, updated, the redundant definition of the start and end removed, and made an 'M' rule.]
When a book becomes unsaleable at regular price because of damage, it can be sold as a "hurt book" at 50% of the original list price. A book is usually declared as hurt when it is returned to us by a customer, but it can also happen when we notice that a book is damaged in our stock, or at a convention sales table.
Any quantity of books can be indicated as hurt all at once, but it will take a number of Peachtree transactions equal to one more than the number of distinct titles involved.
For customer returns, use the CRyynnn credit memo number used to record the return as the reference number needed for an inventory adjustment transaction. From the Peachtree menu item Tasks, choose Inventory Adjustments. For each different title a new adjustment needs to be made. Enter the CR reference number, the book item, the quantity with a minus sign (because you are reducing the inventory of the original item), and (important) change the account designation from CG-bookname to AS-BOOK000. This will transfer the cost of goods from the original book's inventory account to the Hurt Books inventory account, and it reduces the inventory balance of the original book, but does not increase the inventory of hurt books. Save the transaction. Use the same reference number for all such adjustments from the same transaction.
Periodically, or perhaps aperiodically, buy in the hurt books as is done with any other book, using the account AS-BOOK000 and the inventory item Hurt Books. This part of the process could be done monthly, but what's important is that it be done prior to any convention or other event where we might actually sell some of the hurt books. [7/11]
The auditing subcommittee is encouraged to make suggestions for the
improvement of treasury procedures, but, except as provided in the By-Laws, has
no authority over the Treasurer.
[11/83, with the task of auditing assigned to the Rules
Committee; while the Rules Committee was charged with this duty by the By-Laws
in 11/79, through 1983 no such audit had actually been made. In 4/92 the job
was transferred to the Finance Committee, which displayed much more enthusiasm
for it.]
No of Documents | 1-2 | 3-39 | 40-up |
Minimum Sample | all | 3 | 4 |
"An auditing subcommittee of the Finance Committee has audited the financial records and reports of ______ as of _____ and covering transactions occurring from _____ through ______. While it was not feasible to verify every item in these records, a number of internal and external auditing tests were performed, including all of those required by the Standing Rules, and the auditing subcommittee is confident that these financial records and reports are an accurate reflection of what actually happened."
If the conditions for issuing such a report can not all be met, an appropriately qualified or modified report shall be issued. If possible, problems to be mentioned in such a report should be discussed with the Treasurer and other persons responsible for the books being audited before the report is issued. The goal of such a report is to convey to the Membership the auditing subcommittee's opinion of the degree to which the financial records and reports reflect what actually happened and the level of confidence the auditing subcommittee has in this opinion. As a general rule, such reports should avoid comments on the performance of individuals.
Unless a line item is explicitly labeled as one of these types during passage of the budget by the Membership, it is ordinary and may be spent only for its stated purposes.
[11/83. The three terms had been used semi-interchangeably in previous years, leading to much confusion; this rule defines distinctions between them.]
[9/87; repassed in slightly different form 1/90.]
[The current Section 2.8 was formerly (until 5/92) Section 1.17, and replaced the original Section 1.17, "The Building Fund and Related Matters." See the historical note after the current Section 1.17.]
[8/74. The requirement that committees report "in the order mentioned" (in the By-Laws and Standing Rules) was deleted in 8/83. Originally the Executive Board reported immediately after the Treasurer; this was also changed in 8/83, to match the practice that had developed in recent years.]
[The order in which committees are listed in chapter I largely corresponds to the order of business actually followed at the time of the 1/84 edition of the Standing Rules.]
WHEREAS, the Membership is greatly inconvenienced when Officers and Committee chairmen are absent or late at meetings without having made alternative arrangements for the presentation of their reports,
RESOLVED, that it is the opinion of the Membership that the Officers and Committee Chairmen should make every effort to arrive at business meetings on time, or to provide for the timely submission of their reports in their absence.
[12/70. In 11/70 a $1.00 fine for showing up late was passed; this proved unenforceable, and was replaced by the above resolution.]
[Codifying previous practice; 8/83, except as noted.]
[8/83. Originally there were two business meetings every month. (Reportedly the meeting day was set as Sunday because Star Trek was on TV Friday nights.) In 10/70 the Executive Board voted to experiment with having the second meeting of a month be a "program activities meeting"; the first was held in 12/70, but it was a while before they became regular. The term "Other Meeting" seems to have been first used in 4/71. From 3/71 to 2/73 there was a rule setting the dates of business meetings and Other Meetings as the second and fourth Sundays respectively. In 1/73 a special meeting voted to have three meetings a month (Business, Other, and Program); it was tried a couple of times, but didn't really work.]
[Until 9/71 virtually all meetings had been held in Members' homes (as Other Meetings still are). Starting in 3/72, meeting space was intermittently rented in a number of hotels and other locations; the Sheraton-Commander in Cambridge came to predominate, and was the site of all meetings from 9/74 to 3/76. From 4/76 to 5/80, nearly all meetings were held at the Belmont Lions' Club. In 1980-81 Members' homes (especially that of Bill Carton and Kath Horne) and other sites were used again, but from 11/81 on the Belmont Lions' Club was once more the regular meeting site (occasionally replaced by St. Eulalia's Church) until the acquisition of the Clubhouse. With one exception, all meetings since 6/86 have been held in the Clubhouse.]
[11/02: subsections (d), (e), and (f), which set pricing for Proper Boskonian, Instant Message, and APA:NESFA respectively, were moved to section 4.2(7).]
Boskone Books | |||||
# | Boxed | Cloth | Paper | Galley | Item |
[(1) finebound rather than boxed] | |||||
[(2) except $20 for Seth Breidbart] | |||||
9 | n/a | o/p | n/a | n/a | Scribblings by L. Sprague de Camp [? ?/??: $??.00.] |
10 | n/a | o/p | n/a | n/a | Three Faces of Science Fiction by Robert A. W. Lowndes [M 12/75: $7.00; M 12/72: $5.95.] |
11 | n/a | o/p | n/a | n/a | Have You Seen These? by Isaac Asimov [M?: $10.00; E 12/73?: $5.95.] |
12 | o/p(1) | o/p | n/a | n/a | A Time When by Anne McCaffrey [M 12/75: $7.00; M 1/75 $6.00, $40.00 finebound.] |
13 | o/p(1) | o/p | n/a | n/a | Homebrew by Poul Anderson [M 9/75: $10.00, $42.00 finebound.] |
14 | o/p(1) | 8.00 | n/a | n/a | Viewpoint by Ben Bova [M 1/82: $20.00 finebound; E 10/76: $8.00, $42.00 finebound.] |
15 | n/a | n/a | 4.00 | n/a | Tomorrow May Be Even Worse by John Brunner & ATom [E 12/77?: $4.00] |
18 | n/a | o/p | n/a | n/a | Unsilent Night by Tanith Lee [E 5/92: No discount; M 12/80: $10.00.] |
19 | o/p | 13.00 | n/a | n/a | The Men from Ariel by Donald A. Wollheim [12/81 $13.00, $23.00 boxed; M 11/81: authorized] |
20 | o/p | 13.00 | n/a | n/a | Compounded Interests by Mack Reynolds [M 11/82: $13.00, $25.00 boxed.] |
21 | o/p | o/p | n/a | n/a | Plan[e]t Engineering by Gene Wolfe [E 11/83: $13.00, $25.00 boxed.] |
22 | o/p | 13.00 | n/a | n/a | Late Knight Edition by Damon Knight [E 11/84: $13.00, $25.00 boxed.] |
23 | o/p | o/p | n/a | n/a | Out of My Head by Robert Bloch [M 10/85: $15.00, $30.00 boxed.] |
24 | o/p | o/p | n/a | n/a | Glass and Amber by C. J. Cherryh [E 5/92: No discount; M 11/86 $15.00, $30.00 boxed.] |
25 | o/p | o/p | n/a | n/a | Early Harvest by Greg Bear [E 5/92: No discount; E 9/87: $15.00, $30.00 boxed.] |
26 | o/p | o/p | n/a | n/a | An Epitaph in Rust by Tim Powers [E ?/88: $15.00, $30.00 boxed.] |
27 | o/p | o/p | n/a | n/a | Sung in Blood by Glen Cook [E 10/89: $15.00, $30.00 boxed.] |
28 | o/p | 15.00 | n/a | n/a | Stalking the Wild Resnick by Mike Resnick [E 10/90: $15.00, $30.00 boxed.] |
29 | o/p | o/p | n/a | n/a | Storyteller by Jane Yolen [E 10/91: $15.00, $30.00 boxed.] |
29 | n/a | n/a | o/p | n/a | Let's Hear It for the Deaf Man by Dave Langford [E ?/91: $5.00] |
30 | o/p | 17.00 | n/a | n/a | Vietnam and Other Alien Worlds by Joe Haldeman [E 11/92: $17.00, $30.00 boxed.] |
31 | o/p | o/p | 13.00 | n/a | Double Feature by Emma Bull & Will Shetterly [E ?/98: $12.00 or $13.00 tpb; E 11/93: $17.95, $30.00 boxed.] |
31 | n/a | n/a | 14.00 | n/a | Making Book by Teresa Nielsen Hayden [E 11/03: $14.00 (3rd printing); ? ?/??: $11.00; E 11/93: $9.95] |
32 | o/p | o/p | n/a | n/a | Everard's Ride by Dianna Wynne Jones [E 10/94: $19.95, $30.00 boxed.] |
32 | n/a | n/a | 11.95 | n/a | A Bookman's Fantasy by Fred Lerner [E 10/94: $11.95] |
33 | o/p | o/p | 12.00 | n/a | Dreamweaver's Dilemma by Lois McMaster Bujold [E 5/00, 1/97: $12.00 tpb; E 12/95: $19.95, $30.00 boxed] |
34 | o/p | 21.00 | n/a | n/a | From the End of the Twentieth Century by John M. Ford [E 12/96: price not reported – $21.00, $??.00 boxed] |
35 | o/p | 23.00 | 14.00 | n/a | Frankensteins and Foreign Devils by Walter Jon Williams [? ?/??: price not reported – $14.00 tpb; E 11/97: $23.00, $33.00 boxed.] |
37 | o/p | 25.00 | n/a | n/a | Moon Dogs by Michael Swanwick [? ?/??: price not reported – $25.00, $36.00 boxed] |
38 | o/p | o/p | 15.00 | 12.00 | Quartet by George R. R. Martin [? ?/??: price not reported – $15.00 tpb; E 2/01: $12.00 galley (2); E 12/00: $25.00, $35.00 boxed.] |
39 | o/p | 26.00 | 16.00 | n/a | Adventures in the Dream Trade by Neil Gaiman [E 6/02: $16.00 tpb (incorrectly reported as $15.00); E 1/02?: $26.00, $40.00 boxed.] |
39 | n/a | n/a | 16.00 | n/a | Expecting Beowulf by Tom Holt [E 11/01: $16.00 (incorrectly reported as $15.00)] |
40 | o/p | 25.00 | n/a | 10.00 | Tomorrow Happens by David Brin [E 1/03: $10.00 galley; E 11/02: $25.00, $40.00 boxed.] |
41 | o/p | 25.00 | n/a | n/a | The Hunters of Pangaea by Stephen Baxter [E 11/03: $25.00, $40.00 boxed] |
43 | 40.00 | 25.00 | n/a | n/a | Giant Lizards from Another Star by Ken MacLeod [E 12/05: $25.00, $40.00 boxed] |
Noreascon Items | |||
# | Boxed | Regular | Item |
[(1) price originally continued by reference, 6/81: cf. Section 5.2(2)] | |||
[(2) prices presumably also continued by reference, 9/89 or later; cf. note after Section 5.2(2)] | |||
I | n/a | 2.00 | Noreascon I Program Book [E 3/73: $2.00] |
I | n/a | 6.00 | Noreascon I Banquet LP [6/81: discount allowed, cf. Section 4.2(2); E 3/75: $6.00; E 8/73: no discount; E 3/73: $5.98.] |
I | n/a | 6.00 | The Noreascon Proceedings edited by Leslie Turek [8/83: $6.00; M 5/76: $12.00. The pre-publication price for Noreascon members was $2.50 ($5 for others), and through 9/77 they could buy copies at the NESFA-Member rate.] |
II | n/a | 2.00 | Noreascon II Program Book [E 11/84: $2.00; (1): $5.00.] |
II | n/a | 6.00 | Better Than One by Damon Knight & Kate Wilhelm [E 11/84: $6.00; (1): $5.00] |
II | n/a | o/p | "Eripmav" T-shirt [M 5/98: NESFA no longer stocks any T-Shirts (our inventory was donated to the needy); E ?/??: $8.00; (1): $7.00.] |
II | n/a | 3.00 | Costumes, Creatures, and Characters by Ann Layman Chancellor [? ?/??: $3.00; (1): $2.00.] |
II | n/a | 2.00 | Noreascon II Memory Book [E 12/85: $2.00.] |
3 | o/p | o/p | Grand Masters' Choice edited by Andre Norton & Ingrid Zierhut [E 8/94: $20.00, no discount; E 8/91: $60.00 boxed; (2): $30.00, $50.00 boxed, no discount.] |
3 | n/a | 3.00 | Noreascon 3 Souvenir Book [(2): $3.00.] |
3 | n/a | 3.00 | Fanfare 11 (Strangers' Club fanzine) [(2): $3.00.] |
3 | n/a | 4.00 | "3" cloisonné pin [? ?/??: $4.00; (2): $3.50, no discount.] |
3 | n/a | 4.00 | Cheshire Cat cloisonné pin [? ?/??: $4.00; (2): $3.50, no discount.] |
3 | n/a | 6.00 | mug [(2): $6.00.] |
3 | n/a | 3.00 | Noreascon 3 Memory Book [? ?/??: $3.00.] |
3 | n/a | 20.00 | The Brunch Speeches (VHS) [? ?/??: $20.00, $35.00 combined with the Masquerade tape.] |
3 | n/a | 25.00 | The Masquerade (VHS) [? ?/??: $25.00, $35.00 combined with the Brunch Speeches tape.] |
4 | n/a | 25.00 | Once More With Footnotes by Terry Pratchett [E 6/04: $25.00.] |
4 | n/a | 17.00 | Fancestral Voices by Jack Speer [E 6/04: $17.00.] |
4 | n/a | 29.00 | Dancing Naked: The Unexpurgated William Tenn by William Tenn [E 6/04: $29.00. See also the entry under NESFA's Choice.] |
4 | n/a | 23.00 | With Stars in My Eyes: My Adventures in British Fandom by Peter Weston [E 6/04: $23.00. Incorrectly reported as $25 in IM 738.] |
Other Convention Books | ||||
Convention | Boxed | Regular | Galley | Item |
Chicon IV | n/a | 13.00 | n/a | Up to the Sky in Ships by A. Bertram Chandler / In and Out of Quandry by Lee Hoffman [M 9/82: $13.00.] |
ConStellation | n/a | 8.00 | n/a | A New Settlement of Old Scores by John Brunner [? ?/??: $8.00 comb binding; E 10/83: $8.00 perfect binding.] |
L.A.con II | n/a | 13.00 | n/a | Dickson! by Gordon R. Dickson [E 9/84: $13.00.] |
LoneStarCon (NASFiC) | o/p | o/p | n/a | Light from a Lone Star by Jack Vance [E 5/92: no discount; E 7/85: $13.00, $25.00 boxed.] |
ConFederation | o/p | 15.00 | n/a | Between Two Worlds by Terry Carr / Messages Found in an Oxygen Bottle by Bob Shaw [E ?/86: $15.00, $?? boxed.] |
CactusCon (NASFiC) | o/p | o/p | n/a | Intuit by Hal Clement [E 9/87?: $15.00, $30.00 boxed.] |
Nolacon II | o/p | 15.00 | n/a | Up There and Other Strange Directions by Donald A. Wollheim [E 7/88: $15.00, $30.00 boxed.] |
ConFrancisco | n/a | 5.00 | n/a | Along Fantasy Way by Tom Digby [? ?/??: $5.00.] |
L.A.con III | o/p | 25.00 | n/a | The White Papers by James White [E 2/98: $25.00 reprint; ? ?/??: $??, $?? boxed.] |
LoneStarCon II | n/a | 12.00 | n/a | Entertainment by Algis Budrys [? ?/??: $12.00.] |
The Millennium Philcon | n/a | 30.00 | 10.00 | Strange Days: Fabulous Journeys with Gardner Dozois by Gardner Dozois [? ?/??: $30.00; E 7/01: $10.00 galley] |
Arisia 2004 | n/a | 24.00 | n/a | Powers of Two by Tim Powers [E 10/03: $24.00] |
Interaction | n/a | 29.00 | n/a | The Masque of Mañana by Robert Sheckley [E 4/05: $29.00. See also the entry under NESFA's Choice.] |
Interaction | n/a | 26.00 | n/a | Once Upon a Time (She Said) by Jane Yolen [E 4/05: $26.00. See also the entry under NESFA's Choice.] |
"NESFA's Choice" Books | ||
Regular | Galley | Item |
[(1) except $20.00 for Seth Breidbart] | ||
22.00 | n/a | The Best of James H. Schmitz by James H. Schmitz [E 10/00: $22.00; M 2/91: $18.95] |
25.00 | n/a | The Rediscovery of Man: The Complete Short Science Fiction of Cordwainer Smith by Cordwainer Smith [E 1/98: $25.00; E 4/93: $24.95] |
22.00 | n/a | Norstrilia by Cordwainer Smith [? 9/98?: $22.00; E 10/94: $21.95] |
25.00 | n/a | Ingathering: The Complete People Stories by Zenna Henderson [E 12/96: $25.00; E 2/95: $24.95] |
27.00 | n/a | His Share of Glory: The Complete Short Science Fiction of C. M. Kornbluth by C. M. Kornbluth [E 9/99?: price raised – amount not reported; ? ?/??: $??.00] |
23.00 | n/a | The Armor of Light by Melissa Scott & Lisa A. Barnett [E 9/97: $23.00] |
25.00 | n/a | First Contacts: The Essential Murray Leinster by Murray Leinster [? ?/??: $25.00] |
25.00 | n/a | An Ornament to His Profession by Charles L. Harness [? ?/??: $25.00.] |
25.00 | n/a | The Compleat Boucher by Anthony Boucher [E 10/98: $25.00] |
25.00 | n/a | The Essential Hal Clement, Volume 1: Trio for Slide Rule and Typewriter by Hal Clement [E 12/98?: $25.00] |
25.00 | n/a | Rings by Charles L. Harness [? ?/??: $25.00.] |
25.00 | n/a | The Essential Hal Clement, Volume 2: Music of Many Spheres by Hal Clement [? ?/??: $25.00] |
29.00 | 12.00 | Major Ingredients: The Selected Short Stories of Eric Frank Russell by Eric Frank Russell [E 6/00: $29.00] |
25.00 | n/a | The Essential Hal Clement, Volume 3: Variations on a Theme by Sir Isaac Newton by Hal Clement [? ?/??: $25.00] |
29.00 | 12.00 | From These Ashes: The Complete Short SF of Fredric Brown by Fredric Brown [E 2/01: $12 galley (1); E 12/00: $29.00] |
29.00 | 12.00 | Immodest Proposals: The Complete Science Fiction of William Tenn, Volume 1 by William Tenn [E 2/01: $12.00 galley (1); E 12/00: $29.00] |
29.00 | 12.00 | Here Comes Civilization: The Complete Science Fiction of William Tenn, Volume 2 by William Tenn [E 7/01: $12.00 galley; ? ?/??: $??.00] |
29.00 | 12.00 | Entities: The Selected Novels of Eric Frank Russell by Eric Frank Russell [E 7/01: $12.00 galley; ? ?/??: $??.00] |
29.00 | ??.00 | Dimensions of Sheckley: Selected Novels of Robert Sheckley by Robert Sheckley [? ?/??: $??.00 galley; E 11/01: $29.00] |
29.00 | 12.00 | Martians and Madness: The Complete SF Novels of Fredric Brown by Fredric Brown [? ?/??: $12.00 galley; E 6/02: $29.00] |
21.00 | 7.00 | Cybele, with Bluebonnets by Charles L. Harness [? ?/??: $7.00 galley; E 6/02: $21.00] |
26.00 | 12.00 | A New Dawn: The Complete Don A. Stuart Stories by John W. Campbell, Jr. [E 1/03: $12.00 galley; E 11/02: $26.00] |
29.00 | 14.00 | Transfinite: The Essential A. E. van Vogt by A. E. van Vogt [E 1/03: $14.00 galley (incorrectly reported as $15.00 in IM 714); E 12/02: $29.00] |
24.00 | ?.?? | A Star Above It: Selected Stories of Chad Oliver, volume 1 by Chad Oliver [? ?/??: $24.00; E 6/03: $24.00 price set for the pre-split book] |
24.00 | ?.?? | Far From This Earth: Selected Stories of Chad Oliver, volume 2 by Chad Oliver [? ?/??: $24.00; E 6/03: $24.00 price set for the pre-split book] |
26.00 | n/a | Silverlock by John Myers Myers [E 11/03: $26.00] |
29.00 | n/a | Dancing Naked: The Unexpurgated William Tenn by William Tenn [E 6/04: $29.00; see also the entry under Noreascon 4] |
25.00 | n/a | Years In the Making: The Time-Travel Stories of L. Sprague de Camp by L. Sprague de Camp [E 12/04: $25.00] |
29.00 | n/a | Homecalling and Other Stories: The Complete Solo Short SF of Judith Merril by Judith Merril [E 12/04: $29.00] |
29.00 | n/a | The Masque of Mañana by Robert Sheckley [E 4/05: $29.00; see also the entry under other conventions] |
26.00 | n/a | Once Upon a Time (She Said) by Jane Yolen [E 4/05: $26.00; see also the entry under other conventions] |
The NESFA Index | ||
[11/02: formerly section 4.2(5).] | ||
Price | Year(s) | Item |
o/p | 1951-65 | ???? [E 3/75: $12.00; M 2/68: $4.80; M 2/71: $8.00] |
[The 1951-65 Index was produced by Erwin S. Strauss, not by NESFA.] | ||
10.00 | 1966-70 | Index to the Science Fiction Magazines 1966-1970 [Reprinted. M 8/81: $10.00. Original: E 3/75 $8.00; M 2/71: $5.00.] |
5.00 | 1971-72 | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1971/1972 [Reprinted. M 6/81: $5.00. Original: E 7/73?: $3.00.] |
5.00 | 1973 | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1973 [Reprinted. M 6/81: $5.00. Original: E 3/74?: $2.00.] |
5.00 | 1974 | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1974 [Reprinted. M 6/81: $5.00. Original: E 3/75: $4.00.] |
5.00 | 1975 | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1975 [Reprinted. M 6/81: $5.00. Original: M 6/76: $4.50.] |
5.00 | 1976 | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1976 [E 9/76: $5.00.] |
7.00 | 1977-78 | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1977-1978 [M 9/82: $7.00.] |
7.00 | 1979-80 | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1979/1980 [M 11/81: $7.00.] |
5.00 | 1981 | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1981 [M 11/81: $5.00.] |
12.00 | 1982 | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1982 [E 3/98: $12.00; E 2/83?: $5.00] |
5.00 | 1983 | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1983 [E ?/84: $5.00.] |
n/a | 1984-85 | [?/??: This index will never be published; ? 11/86: The 1984 and 1985 Indexes are to be combined into a single edition, price as yet unset; E 11/84: set $5.00 for the 1984 Index price.] |
12.00 | 1986 | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1986 [E 3/98: $12.00. Original: E 4/91: $8.00; E ?/??: $7.00; M 4/88 $6.00.] |
12.00 | 1987 | The NESFA Index to Short SF - 1987 [E 3/98: $12.00; E 1/89: $?.00.] |
12.00 | 1988 | The NESFA Index to Short SF - 1988 [E ?/90: $12.00.] |
12.00 | 1989 | The NESFA Index to Short Science Fiction for 1989 [E ?/91: $12.00.] |
71.40 | All | A complete set of the 15 NESFA Indexes (no discount) [E 5/91: complete set for 40% off list price, no additional discounts allowed.] |
Other NESFA Press Books | |||
Cloth | Paper | Galley | Item |
n/a | 1.00 | n/a | Index to Perry Rhodan, 1-25 [E 3/75?: $1.00; M 2/74: $?.??.] |
n/a | 1.00 | n/a | Index to Perry Rhodan, 26-50 [E 3/75?: $1.00; M 2/74: $?.??.] |
n/a | o/p | n/a | The NESFA Hymnal, Volume 1 (1st edition) [E 2/76?: $3.00.] |
n/a | 18.00 | n/a | The NESFA Hymnal, Volume 1 (2nd edition) [M 10/90: $18.00; M 10/89: $16.00; E 11/84: $12.00; M 4/79: $10.00.] |
n/a | o/p | n/a | The NESFA Hymnal, Volume 2 (1st edition) [M 8/87: $8.00.] |
n/a | o/p | n/a | Concordance to Cordwainer Smith by Anthony R. Lewis [E 8/94: $7.00, discounts allowed; E ?/??: $9.00; E 8/84 $6.00.] |
n/a | 6.00 | n/a | An Annotated Bibliography of Recursive Science Fiction by Anthony R. Lewis [M 11/90: $6.00.] |
n/a | 3.00 | n/a | Lord of the Rings Coloring Book [E ?/??: $3.00.] |
n/a | 16.00 | n/a | The Passage of the Light: The Recursive Science Fiction of Barry N. Malzberg by Barry N. Malzberg [? ?/05: price not reported – $16.00; E 10/94: $14.00; M 2/94: $14.95.] |
n/a | 12.50 | n/a | Andre Norton: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography, Second Revised Edition by Roger C. Schlobin & Irene R. Harrison [? 10/98?: $12.50 reprint; E 10/94: $12.50.] |
n/a | o/p | n/a | Concordance to Cordwainer Smith, Second Edition by Anthony R. Lewis [E 8/95?: $10.00.] |
n/a | 15.00 | n/a | The Silence of the Langford by Dave Langford [E 6/96: $15.00.] |
n/a | 13.00 | n/a | The NESFA Hymnal, Volume 2 (2nd edition) [E 8/97: $13.00.] |
22.00 | n/a | n/a | Shards of Honor by Lois McMaster Bujold [E 5/00: $22.00.] |
n/a | 13.00 | n/a | Concordance to Cordwainer Smith, Third Edition by Anthony R. Lewis [E 8/00: $13.00.] |
25.00 | n/a | ??.00 | Robert Silverberg Presents The Great SF Stories: 1964 edited by Robert Silverberg & Martin H. Greenberg [E ?/??: $??.00 galley; E 10/01?: $25.00.] |
25.00 | n/a | ??.00 | The Warrior's Apprentice by Lois McMaster Bujold [? ?/??: $??.00 galley; ? ?/??: $25.00.] |
17.00 | n/a | n/a | The Work of Jack Williamson: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide by Richard A. Hauptmann [? ?/??: $17.00.] |
23.00 | n/a | n/a | Ethan of Athos by Lois McMaster Bujold [E 5/03: $23.00.] |
n/a | 16.00 | n/a | Rivets!!! The Science Fiction Musicals of Mark Keller and Sue Anderson by Mark Keller & Sue Anderson [E 5/03: $16.00.] |
23.00 | n/a | n/a | Falling Free by Lois McMaster Bujold [E 6/04: $23.00.] |
21.00 | n/a | n/a | "Doc"—First Galactic Roamer by Stephen Luchetti [? ?/?? price not published – $21.00; E 6/04: $17.00 (price reported incorrectly?).] |
25.00 | n/a | n/a | All Our Yesterdays by Harry Warner, Jr. [E 7/04: $25.00.] |
Items From Other Publishers | |
Price | Item |
4.95 | The Phoenix and the Mirror by Avram Davidson [?/??: most of our stock sold; ? ?/??: $4.95; E ?/??: $5.00; E 12/74: $4.95; E 3/73: $3.00.] |
n/a | Tarot Deck [? ?/??: no longer carried; ? ?/??: $20.00, 20% maximum discount.] |
10.00 | Starry Messenger [E ?/??: $10.00.] |
30.00 | Warhoon 28 (collected writings of Walt Willis) [M 10/92: $30.00, 20% discount to Members.] |
25.00 | A Wealth of Fable by Harry Warner, Jr. [? ?/??: $25.00.] |
15.00 | Who's Hugh? by Roger Robinson [? ?/??: $15.00.] |
8.00 | A Load of Old BoSh by Bob Shaw [? ?/??: $8.00.] |
34.00 | The Immortal Storm by Sam Moskowitz [? ?/??: $34.00.] |
Doodads | |
Available for sale to NESFA Members only, with no Member discount. | |
Price | Item |
o/p | NESFA embroidered patch [11/02: formerly section 4.1(3)(a); E 5/75: $1.00, plus $0.25 handling if ordered by mail.] |
o/p | NESFA T-Shirt [11/02: formerly section 4.1(3)(b); M 5/98: NESFA no longer stocks any T-Shirts (our inventory was donated to the needy); 10/82: T-Shirt Committee, authorized by M vote: $12.00 ($5.00 of the price is considered a donation to NESFA). Boskone gopher T-shirts, when available – see Section 1.9(14) – have been sold for $5.00, but there seems to be no rule setting this price.] |
2.00 | NESFA-Shield decal [11/02: formerly section 4.1(3)(c); M 11/83: $2.00.] |
4.00 | NESFA cloisonné pin [11/02: formerly section 4.1(3)(d); E 11/96: $4.00; E 1/90: $3.50.] |
Miscellaneous Items | |
Price | Item |
1.00 | Boskone Program Books [M 3/82: $1.00; E 11/75: 4-5 $0.50; E 3/73: 6-10 $0.50. 11-15 $0.75, 16-18 $1.00, as they came out (presumably all E).] |
4.00 | Mike Symes art portfolio [E 10/83: $4.00; E 1/79?: $7.00.] |
5.00 | "Pastiche," game by Kate Wilhelm [E ?/84: $5.00.] |
o/p | Boskone n T-shirt [M 5/98: NESFA no longer stocks any T-Shirts (our inventory was donated to the needy); E 2/79?: $4.00 for Boskone 16; same price traditionally charged for other Boskone T-shirts, when available.] |
o/p | "Book Fan of NESFA" T-shirt [M 5/98: NESFA no longer stocks any T-Shirts (our inventory was donated to the needy); E ?/91: $8.00; M 11/90: $7.00] |
12.00 | "Book Fan" book bag [E ?/91: $12.00, no discount.] |
7.00 | Propeller beanie [E 1/90: $7.00, no discount.] |
15.00 | If I Ran the
3.00 | Proceedings of the Conference of Science Fiction Convention Managers (1972, "Smofcon Zero Proceedings") [? ?/??: $3.00; E 12/87: $1.00.] |
8.00 | Smofcon 1 (1984) Proceedings [? ?/??: $8.00; E ?/??: $4.00.] |
5.00 | Smofcon 3 (1986) Proceedings [? ?/??: $5.00; E ?/??: $4.00.] |
4.00 | Boskone 31 pins [E 11/96: $4.00; E 11/93: $5.00, no discount.] |
5.00 | 25th World Fantasy Convention Souvenir Book [? ?/??: $5.00.] |
3.00 | Proper Boskonian (Back issues: 1 for $3.00, 2 for $5.00, 5 for $10.00. One copy free to Members, contributors, fanzine editors who trade their fanzines for ours, and potential contributors at the whim of the Editor. $3.00 per copy to all others, and for additional copies.) [11/02: formerly section 4.1(1)(d); M 6/95: back issues 1@$3.00, 2@$5.00, 5@$10.00; M 6/94: $3.00, discount available; M 3/94: $3.00, no discount; 5/92: added mention of contributors, trades, etc. to conform to practice; 5/92 (earlier in practice): $2.00; 7/85: $1.50, extra-copy clause added; 3/85: $3.00; 7/71*: $?.??, $0.50 non-members] |
0.15 | Instant Message (Back issues: 1 for $0.15, 3 for $0.40 for Members and twice that for non-Members.) [11/02: formerly section 4.1(1)(e); E 7/73: $0.15, 3 for $0.40 (twice that for non-Members); The earliest reported price (President's fiat, 3/69) was $0.10, three for $0.25.] |
0.75 | APA:NESFA (Price to non-contributors. Back issues at the discretion of the Collator.) [11/02: formerly section 4.1(1)(f); E 6/74: $0.75; Earlier Collator's fiats: 6/70 $0.25, 4/71 $0.50.] |
Discount Policy
There are three kinds of sales items: NESFA items, consignment items, and specials (non-discounted items such as NESFA T-shirts, book bags, and pins). The Member discount (available only in person, and only if the merchandise is carried away) is the same as the wholesale discount.
The wholesale discount is available:
NESFA items have a uniform 40% discount from list unless we are down to fewer than 100 copies of the item and no longer discount it at all. (This applies only to unboxed copies; boxed copies are always discounted.)
In general, consignment items are not sold wholesale by NESFA; wholesale orders should be referred to the originator. Member sales (and the occasional single-copy wholesale order or other wholesale order we don't want to refer) are at a 20% discount from list.
M There is no discount for a limited edition book that has fallen to 50 books in stock, unless the Membership votes otherwise. [10/10]
M Discounts for limited edition books will remain for the full run of the edition if it is 1) slipcased (aka special edition) or 2) Older than 5 years. (So if a limited edition trade book has less than 50 copies, discounts will not be allowed if it is less than 5 years old.) Specific exceptions may be brought before the membership. [11/10]
Postage Policy
NESFA charges postage on retail orders differently than on wholesale orders.
Retail Orders: Postage is $2 for a single book, $4 for multiple books, in the US; outside the US it is $4/$8. We send books the cheapest way, uninsured. If the purchaser wishes to pay for faster or more secure service, we charge actual cost just as with wholesale orders.
Wholesale Orders: Ship the cheapest way (always ground/surface) unless otherwise instructed. Charge actual postage in all cases. (The postage may be estimated, or the invoice may be sent separately after the actual amount is known.)
Postage Rates [Actual tables of rates are omitted here, being unnecessarily detailed and likely to change over time; the descriptions of classes of rates are included as of more general interest.]
In the US, use Special 4th Class Rate: Books to most addressees, or Library Rate if the addressee is a library.
Outside the US, things are more complicated and more expensive. There are separate rates for (a) Canada, (b) Mexico, (c) other Spanish-speaking countries (mostly in the Americas), and (d) most other non-Spanish-speaking countries. For (a) and (d) at least, there are three weight ranges with different services for each:
[2/73. The 7/71* version defined only E rules, and said all others were Membership rules.]
Sales Committee [nominally; in practice, the list is maintained by a separate ad hoc committee]:
ISBN numbers allocated to NESFA publications in 0-915368-:
-00-5 | The Noreascon Proceedings edited by Leslie Turek |
-01-3 | Three Faces of Science Fiction by Robert A. W. Lowndes (trade binding) [Boskone 10] |
-02-1 | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1973 |
-03-X | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1974 |
-04-8 | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1975 |
-05-6 | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1976 |
-06-4 | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1971/1972 |
-07-2 | A Time When by Anne McCaffrey (trade binding) [Boskone 12, see also -77-3] |
-08-0 | Index to the Science Fiction Magazines 1966-1970 (softbound edition) |
-09-9 | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1979/1980 |
-10-2 | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1981 |
-11-0 | Index to Perry Rhodan, U.S. Edition 1-25 |
-12-9 | Index to Perry Rhodan, U.S. Edition 26-50 |
-13-7 | Homebrew by Poul Anderson (trade binding) [Boskone 13, see also -78-1] |
-14-5 | Viewpoint by Ben Bova (trade binding) [Boskone 14, see also -79-X] |
-15-3 | Tomorrow May Be Even Worse by John Brunner & ATom (trade binding) [Boskone 15, see also -80-3] |
-16-1 | Up to the Sky in Ships by A. Bertram Chandler / In and out of Quandry by Lee Hoffman [Chicon IV] |
-17-X | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1977-1978 |
-18-8 | Unsilent Night by Tanith Lee (trade binding) [Boskone 18] |
-19-6 | The Men from Ariel by Donald A. Wollheim (trade binding) [Boskone 19, see also -81-1] |
-20-X | Compounded Interests by Mack Reynolds (trade binding) [Boskone 20, see also -82-X] |
-21-8 | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1982 |
-22-6 | A New Settlement of Old Scores by John Brunner (perfect binding) [ConStellation, see also -26-9] |
-23-4 | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1983 |
-24-2 | Concordance to Cordwainer Smith by Anthony R. Lewis [See -57-9 and 1-886778-25-6 for updated editions.] |
-25-0 | Plan[e]t Engineering by Gene Wolfe (trade binding) [Boskone 21, see also -83-8] |
-26-9 | A New Settlement of Old Scores by John Brunner (comb binding) [ConStellation, see also -22-6] |
-27-7 | Dickson! by Gordon R. Dickson (trade binding) [L.A.Con II, see also -84-6] |
-28-5 | Late Knight Edition by Damon Knight (trade binding) [Boskone 22, see also -85-4] |
-29-3 | The Armor of Light by Melissa Scott & Lisa A. Barnett [11/96; originally reserved for the 1984-85 NESFA Index, released 7/96] |
-30-7 | Out of My Head by Robert Bloch (trade binding) [Boskone 23, see also -87-0] |
-31-5 | Light from a Lone Star by Jack Vance (trade binding) [LoneStarCon (NASFiC), see also -86-2] |
-32-3 | The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies - 1986 |
-33-1 | Between Two Worlds by Terry Carr / Messages Found in an Oxygen Bottle by Bob Shaw) (trade binding) [ConFederation, see also -88-9] |
-34-X | Glass and Amber by C.J. Cherryh (trade binding) [Boskone 24, see also -89-7] |
-35-8 | Intuit by Hal Clement (trade binding) [CactusCon (NASFiC), see also -90-0] |
-36-6 | Early Harvest by Greg Bear (trade binding) [Boskone 25, see also -91-9] |
-37-4 | If I Ran the |
-38-2 | Proceedings of the Conference of Science Fiction Convention Managers, 1972 edited by Suford Lewis ["The Smofcon Zero Proceedings"] |
-39-0 | Up There and Other Strange Directions by Donald A. Wollheim (trade binding) [Nolacon II, see also -92-7] |
-40-4 | An Epitaph in Rust by Tim Powers (trade binding) [Boskone 26, see also -93-5] |
-41-2 | The NESFA Index to Short SF - 1987 |
-42-0 | Grand Masters' Choice edited by Andre Norton & Ingrid Zierhut (trade binding) [Noreascon III, see also -94-3] |
-43-9 | The NESFA Index to Short SF - 1988 |
-44-7 | Sung in Blood by Glen Cook (trade binding) [Boskone 27, see also -95-1] |
-45-5 | Stalking the Wild Resnick by Mike Resnick (trade binding) [Boskone 28, see also -96-X] |
-46-3 | The Best of James H. Schmitz by James H. Schmitz |
-47-1 | An Annotated Bibliography of Recursive Science Fiction by Anthony R. Lewis |
-48-X | The NESFA Index to Short Science Fiction for 1989 |
-49-8 | Storyteller by Jane Yolen (trade binding) [Boskone 29, see also -97-8] |
-50-1 | Let's Hear It for the Deaf Man by Dave Langford [Boskone 29; see -62-5 for an expanded version] |
-51-X | If I Ran the
-52-8 | Vietnam and Other Alien Worlds by Joe Haldeman (trade binding) [Boskone 30, see also -98-6] |
-53-6 | Dreamweaver's Dilemma by Lois McMaster Bujold (trade paperback) [2/97; reprint of the Boskone 33 book, see -66-8 and -75-7; previously reserved for the 1990-1991 NESFA Index, released 7/96.] |
-54-4 | Double Feature by Emma Bull & Will Shetterly (slipcased) [Boskone 31, see also -99-4 and 1-886778-11-6] |
-55-2 | Making Book by Teresa Nielsen Hayden, edited by Patrick Nielsen Hayden [Boskone 31] |
-56-0 | The Rediscovery of Man: The Complete Short Science Fiction of Cordwainer Smith by Cordwainer Smith |
-57-9 | Concordance to Cordwainer Smith, Second Edition by Anthony Lewis [See -24-2 for the First Edition and 1-886778-25-6 for the Third Edition.] |
-58-7 | Ingathering: The Complete People Stories by Zenna Henderson |
-59-5 | The Passage of the Light: The Recursive Science Fiction of Barry N. Malzberg by Barry N. Malzberg |
-60-9 | His Share of Glory: The Complete Short Science Fiction of C. M. Kornbluth by C. M. Kornbluth [8/94] |
-61-7 | Norstrilia by Cordwainer Smith [8/94] |
-62-5 | The Silence of the Langford by Dave Langford [8/94; see -50-1 for an earlier version] |
-63-3 | Everard's Ride by Dianna Wynne Jones (trade binding) [8/94; Boskone 32, see also -76-5] |
-64-1 | Andre Norton: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography, Second Revised Edition by Roger C. Schlobin & Irene R. Harrison [10/94] |
-65-X | A Bookman's Fantasy: How Science Fiction Became Respectable, and Other Essays by Fred Lerner [10/94; Boskone 32] |
-66-8 | Dreamweaver's Dilemma by Lois McMaster Bujold (trade binding) [7/95; Boskone 33, see also -53-6 and -75-7] |
-67-6 | First Contacts: The Essential Murray Leinster by Murray Leinster [3/96] |
-68-4 | set of 15 NESFA Indexes [number previously assigned to an (unpublished) 3rd edition of the NESFA Hymnal] |
-69-2 | The NESFA Hymnal, Volume 1, Second Edition, edited by Joe Ross |
-70-6 | The NESFA Hymnal, Volume 2, edited by Jane Wagner [see 1-886778-01-9 for an updated edition] |
-71-4 | The White Papers by James White (trade binding) [6/96; L.A.Con III, see also -72-2] |
-72-2 | The White Papers by James White (slipcased) [6/96; L.A.Con III, see also -71-4] |
-73-0 | From the End of the Twentieth Century by John M. Ford (trade binding) [11/96; Boskone 34, see also -74-9] |
-74-9 | From the End of the Twentieth Century by John M. Ford (slipcased) [11/96; Boskone 34, see also -73-0] |
-75-7 | Dreamweaver's Dilemma by Lois McMaster Bujold (slipcased) [7/95; Boskone 33, see also -53-6 and -66-8] |
-76-5 | Everard's Ride by Dianna Wynne Jones (slipcased) [8/94; Boskone 32, see also -63-3] |
-77-3 | A Time When by Anne McCaffrey (finebound) [Boskone 12, see also -07-2] |
-78-1 | Homebrew by Poul Anderson (finebound) [Boskone 13, see also -13-7] |
-79-X | Viewpoint by Ben Bova (finebound) [Boskone 14, see also -14-5] |
-80-3 | Tomorrow May Be Even Worse by John Brunner & ATom (finebound) [never published; Boskone 15, see also -15-3] |
-81-1 | The Men from Ariel by Donald A. Wollheim (slipcased) [Boskone 19, see also -19-6] |
-82-X | Compounded Interests by Mack Reynolds (slipcased) [Boskone 20, see also -20-X] |
-83-8 | Plan[e]t Engineering by Gene Wolfe (slipcased) [Boskone 21, see also -25-0] |
-84-6 | Dickson! by Gordon R. Dickson (slipcased) [L.A.con II, see also -27-7] |
-85-4 | Late Knight Edition by Damon Knight (slipcased) [Boskone 22, see also -28-5] |
-86-2 | Light from a Lone Star by Jack Vance (slipcased) [LoneStarCon (NASFiC), see also -31-5] |
-87-0 | Out of My Head by Robert Bloch (slipcased) [Boskone 23, see also -30-7] |
-88-9 | Between Two Worlds by Terry Carr / Messages Found in an Oxygen Bottle by Bob Shaw (slipcased) [ConFederation, see also -33-1] |
-89-7 | Glass and Amber by C. J. Cherryh (slipcased) [Boskone 24, see also -34-X] |
-90-0 | Intuit by Hal Clement (slipcased) [CactusCon (NASFiC), see also -35-8] |
-91-9 | Early Harvest by Greg Bear (slipcased) [Boskone 25, see also -36-6] |
-92-7 | Up There and Other Strange Directions by Donald A. Wollheim (slipcased) [Nolacon II, see also -39-0] |
-93-5 | An Epitaph in Rust by Tim Powers (slipcased) [Boskone 26, see also -40-4] |
-94-3 | Grand Masters' Choice edited by Andre Norton & Ingrid Zierhut (slipcased) [Noreascon III, see also -42-0] |
-95-1 | Sung in Blood by Glen Cook (slipcased) [Boskone 27, see also -44-7] |
-96-X | Stalking the Wild Resnick by Mike Resnick (slipcased) [Boskone 28, see also -45-5] |
-97-8 | Storyteller by Jane Yolen (slipcased) [Boskone 29, see also -49-8] |
-98-6 | Vietnam and Other Alien Worlds by Joe Haldeman (slipcased) [Boskone 30, see also -52-8] |
-99-4 | Double Feature by Emma Bull & Will Shetterly (trade binding) [Boskone 31, see also -54-4 and 1-886778-11-6] |
ISBN numbers allocated so far to NESFA publications in 1-886778-:
-00-0 | Noreascon I Program Book edited by Suford Lewis [5/97; ISBN requested by Bowker] |
-01-9 | The NESFA Hymnal, Volume 2, Second Edition, updated by Gary McGath and MASSFILC [5/97; see 0-915368-70-6 for the First Edition] |
-02-7 | The Compleat Boucher by Anthony Boucher [7/97] |
-03-5 | Frankensteins and Foreign Devils by Walter Jon Williams (trade binding) [7/97; Boskone 35, see also -04-3 and -30-2] |
-04-3 | Frankensteins and Foreign Devils by Walter Jon Williams (slipcased) [7/97; Boskone 35, see also -03-5 and -30-2] |
-05-1 | Entertainment by Algis Budrys [7/97; LoneStarCon 2] |
-06-X | The Essential Hal Clement, Volume 1: Trio for Slide Rule and Typewriter by Hal Clement [9/97] |
-07-8 | The Essential Hal Clement, Volume 2: Music of Many Spheres by Hal Clement [9/97] |
-08-6 | The Essential Hal Clement, Volume 3: Variations on a Theme by Sir Isaac Newton by Hal Clement [9/97] |
-09-4 | An Ornament to His Profession by Charles L. Harness [9/97] |
-10-8 | Major Ingredients: The Selected Short Stories of Eric Frank Russell by Eric Frank Russell [12/97] |
-11-6 | Double Feature by Emma Bull & Will Shetterly (trade paperback) [3/98; incorrectly reported as -12-4 in IM 622; reprint of the Boskone 31 book, see also 0-915368-54-4 and 0-915368-99-4] |
-12-4 | The Work of Jack Williamson: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide by Richard A. Hauptmann [3/98; incorrectly reported as -11-6 in IM 622] |
-13-2 | All Our Yesterdays by Harry Warner, Jr. (hardcover) [9/98; see also -14-0] |
-14-0 | All Our Yesterdays by Harry Warner, Jr. (trade paperback) [9/98; E 7/04: not published; see also -13-2] |
-15-9 | A New Dawn: The Complete Don A. Stuart Stories by John W. Campbell, Jr. [3/02] |
-16-7 | Rings by Charles L. Harness [2/99; 9/98: incorrectly listed as assigned to Everard's Ride (trade paperback) in IM 631] |
-17-5 | Martians and Madness: The Complete SF Novels of Fredric Brown by Fredric Brown [3/99] |
-18-3 | From These Ashes: The Complete Short SF of Fredric Brown by Fredric Brown [3/99] |
-19-1 | Immodest Proposals: The Complete Science Fiction of William Tenn, Volume 1 by William Tenn [?/??; 3/99: incorrectly listed as assigned to Everard's Ride (trade paperback) in IM 640] |
-20-5 | Shards of Honor by Lois McMaster Bujold [9/99] |
-21-3 | Robert Silverberg Presents The Great SF Stories: 1964 selected by Robert Silverberg & Martin H. Greenberg [9/99] |
-22-1 | Moon Dogs by Michael Swanwick (trade binding) [9/99; Boskone 37, see also -23-X] |
-23-X | Moon Dogs by Michael Swanwick (slipcased) [9/99; Boskone 37, see also -22-1] |
-24-8 | Another Part of the Trilogy by John M. Ford [11/99] |
-25-6 | Concordance to Cordwainer Smith, Third Edition by Anthony R. Lewis [8/00; see 0-915369-24-2 and 0-915368-57-9 for earlier editions] |
-26-4 | Strange Days: Fabulous Journeys with Gardner Dozois by Gardner Dozois [10/00; The Millennium Philcon] |
-27-2 | The Warrior's Apprentice by Lois McMaster Bujold [11/00] |
-28-0 | Here Comes Civilization: The Complete Science Fiction of William Tenn, Volume 2 by William Tenn [11/00] |
-29-9 | Dimensions of Sheckley: Selected Novels of Robert Sheckley by Robert Sheckley [1/01] |
-30-2 | Frankensteins and Foreign Devils by Walter Jon Williams (trade paperback) [2/01; reprint of the Boskone 35 book, see also -03-5 and -04-3] |
-31-0 | Quartet by George R. R. Martin (trade binding) [12/00; Boskone 38, see also -32-9 and -35-3] |
-32-9 | Quartet by George R. R. Martin (slipcased) [12/00; Boskone 38, see also -31-0 and -35-3] |
-33-7 | Entities: The Selected Novels of Eric Frank Russell by Eric Frank Russell [2/01] |
-34-5 | Transfinite: The Essential A. E. van Vogt by A. E. van Vogt [3/01] |
-35-3 | Quartet by George R. R. Martin (trade paperback) [7/01; reprint of the Boskone 38 book, see also -31-0 and -32-9] |
-36-1 | Expecting Beowulf by Tom Holt [9/01; Boskone 39] |
-37-X | Adventures in the Dream Trade by Neil Gaiman (trade binding) [9/01; Boskone 39, see also -38-8 and -42-6] |
-38-8 | Adventures in the Dream Trade by Neil Gaiman (slipcased) [9/01; Boskone 39, see also -37-X and -42-6] |
-39-6 | Ethan of Athos by Lois McMaster Bujold [5/02] |
-40-X | Rivets!!! The Science Fiction Musicals of Mark Keller and Sue Anderson by Mark Keller & Sue Anderson [5/02] |
-41-8 | Cybele, with Bluebonnets by Charles L. Harness [7/02] |
-42-6 | Adventures in the Dream Trade by Neil Gaiman (trade paperback) [7/02; reprint of the Boskone 39 book, see also -37-X and -38-8] |
-43-4 | Tomorrow Happens by David Brin (trade binding) [9/02; Boskone 40, see also -44-2] |
-44-2 | Tomorrow Happens by David Brin (slipcased) [9/02; Boskone 40, see also -43-4] |
-45-0 | A Star Above It: Selected Stories of Chad Oliver, volume 1 by Chad Oliver [5/03] |
-46-9 | Dancing Naked: The Unexpurgated William Tenn by William Tenn [5/03; Noreascon 4] |
-47-7 | Years in the Making: The Time-Travel Stories of L. Sprague de Camp by L. Sprague de Camp [6/03] |
-48-5 | Far From This Earth: Selected Stories of Chad Oliver, volume 2 by Chad Oliver [6/03] |
-49-3 | The Hunters of Pangaea by Stephen Baxter (trade binding) [6/03; Boskone 41, see also -50-7] |
-50-7 | The Hunters of Pangaea by Stephen Baxter (slipcased) [6/03; Boskone 41, see also -49-3] |
-51-5 | Powers of Two by Tim Powers [7/03; Arisia 2004] |
-52-3 | Silverlock by John Myers Myers [7/03] |
-53-1 | Falling Free by Lois McMaster Bujold [10/03] |
-54-X | Homecalling and Other Stories: The Complete Solo Short SF of Judith Merril by Judith Merril [1/04] |
-55-8 | With Stars in My Eyes: My Adventures in British Fandom by Peter Weston [2/04; Noreascon 4] |
-56-6 | Fancestral Voices by Jack Speer [4/04; Noreascon 4] |
-57-4 | Once More With Footnotes by Terry Pratchett [5/04; Noreascon 4] |
-58-2 | "Doc"—First Galactic Roamer by Stephen Luchetti [5/04] |
-59-0 | Borders of Infinity by Lois McMaster Bujold [11/04; not yet published.] |
-60-4 | The Masque of Mañana by Robert Sheckley [4/05; Interaction.] |
-61-2 | Once Upon a Time (She Said) by Jane Yolen [4/05; Interaction.] |
-62-0 | Giant Lizards from Another Star by Ken MacLeod (trade binding) [9/05; Boskone 43, see also -63-9.] |
-63-9 | Giant Lizards from Another Star by Ken MacLeod (slipcased) [9/05; Boskone 43, see also -62-0.] |
-64-7 | Not Only a Woman (working title) by Judith Merril [12/05; not yet published.] |
-65-5 | The Mathematics of Magic by L. Sprague de Camp & Fletcher Pratt [12/05; not yet published.] |
-66-3 | From Other Shores by Chad Oliver [3/06; not yet published.] |
-67-1 | untitled by John Bellairs [6/06; not yet published.] |
-68-X | The Involuntary Human by David Gerrold (trade binding) [7/06; Boskone 44; see also -69-8; not yet published.] |
-69-8 | The Involuntary Human by David Gerrold (slipcased) [7/06; Boskone 44; see also -68-X; not yet published.] |
-70-1 | untitled by James Blish [9/06; not yet published.] |
For reference, ISBN's assigned by Massachusetts Convention Fandom, Inc. in 0-9603146-:
-0-1 | Better Than One by Damon Knight and Kate Wilhelm |
-1-X | Noreascon II Program Book edited by Leslie Turek |
-2-8 | Costumes, Creatures, and Characters by Ann Layman Chancellor |
-3-6 | The Noreascon II Memory Book edited by Suford Lewis |
-4-4 | If I Ran the |
-5-2 | The Smofcon 3 Record edited by Aron K. Insinga |
-6-0 | The Noreascon 3 Souvenir Book edited by Greg Thokar |
-7-9 | The Noreascon 3 Memory Book edited by Laurie Mann |
-8-7 | The Noreascon Three Brunch Banquet Videotape edited by Suford Lewis and Jim Belfiore |
-9-5 | The Noreascon Three Masquerade Videotape edited by Suford Lewis |
This appendix is a compilation of not altogether serious motions or fiats that have been passed throughout the history of NESFA, presented for the amusement of readers. Rather than converting them into the form of rules (as was done in previous editions of the NESFA Code), we have left them as they appeared in Instant Message, with enough context to indicate what was going on. Editing has been done only for clarity (e.g., to supply full names). Enjoy.
Voting for the name under which Boskone XVII would be known happened. The choices were: NESFIC, BOSKONE 16.5, BOSKLONE, BOSKONE XVII, MASCON. (If you think that these were bad, you should have seen the losers.) ... The winner was BOSKLONE, which was suggested by Wendell Ing. [5/79; The official spelling was later defined as BoskLone; the typewritten form BoskLone was rarely used -- cjh]
The Clerk reported that at the IM collation ... she and the President convened in the bathroom and decided to undertake one last attempt to reform the Barbarian Mark Olson. ... [Mark] is still practicing forkritude. The Board has concluded that chopsticks are too difficult for him to use. [The Clerk then held up a brown bag labeled "Revenge of the Exec Board."] Therefore, we are now presenting Mark with a set of "training chopsticks," which are attached at the top with a hinge. Mark accepted the chopsticks with nary a vestige of guilt. [5/82]
[The Rules Committee considers it prudent not to include the numerous motions authorizing the marriages of individual Members, especially since some have been the subject of more than one such motion.]
The job of the Fanzine Review Board is to see to it that the President's guidelines are enforced (these include a maximum permissible increase in number of pages of 5.5% per annum; any editor going from mimeograph to offset must have FRB approval).
The Board consists of five fans, five pros, and five large contributors to the Republican Party.
Due to a statutory change in position, Dr. Anthony R. Lewis has resigned his position on the Fanzine Review Board; he has been replaced by Dr. Douglas J. Hoylman. All future questions or requests for amplification should be addressed to Dr. Hoylman.
[5/72: First three paragraphs quoted from Doug Hoylman's apazine of 2/72.]
Gharlane of Eddore's Own Boskonian Cavalry Regiment.
Be it further enacted that the Colonel-in-Chief of the Regiment shall be Leslie J. Turek and the Adjutant of the Regiment shall be Richard NMI Harter (commonly known as Mister Harter). Other members shall be enrolled in the Regiment at the indiscretion of the Officers and the Membership of the New England Science Fiction Association, Inc. [Moved by Tony Lewis.]
Fred Isaacs offered an amendment to add the position of Official Horse's ____ but this was ignored. A large number of bad puns were made. ... A roll call vote of the Regular Membership was requested: Aye 23; Nay 4 (these are nay votes, not "neigh" votes); Abstain 2; Present 1; Pass 1; Absent 18. The motion carried. [5/75]
[1/84. By the next month the committee was reporting as the "Uniformity Committee," though this name was never formally approved. The Doodad Committee, by the way, was a (mostly) serious ad-hoc committee which arranged for the production of NESFA decals in 1983-84. While NESFA uniforms have still not been procured, in 3/87 it was voted to purchase for the Clubhouse Ann Chancellor's artwork depicting such uniforms.]
This is a listing of the people who have held Offices, positions, or honors for which election or confirmation by the NESFA Membership was (or has been) required. The original theory was that this listing would help Members to choose people deserving of future nominations; while this still has some validity, don't forget that there are many responsible positions not included in this list.
The Committees History page will now contain the list of past Officers and appointments. The old Appendix B is available, only until all of the data is transferred and will not be updated.
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