This page contains items not yet included in the Standing Rules page,
organized as two lists:
1) a list of changes to the Standing Rules which have been perfected by
the Rules Committee and are about to be reported to the Membership
before being incorporated into the Standing Rules page, and
2) a list of pending changes to the Standing Rules which have been
passed as motions, announced as fiats, etc. and are being perfected
by the Rules Committee. This list is deliberately over-inclusive and
may contain items which do not belong in the Standing Rules and will
be discarded by the Rules Committee.
All of these items took effect when they were passed or announced; the
Rules Committee is just adding any necessary technical details and
clarifying their meaning when needed.
With a few exceptions, each item is in a block of text separated from
other items by three lines (two long lines of "====" with between them a
line with "==== " followed by the identifier for that item in the format
"YYYY-MM-IM.N"). In both lists, the item will contain the
original text. In the first list it will also contain the perfected
text, if different. In the second list it may also contain notes,
commentary, or intermediate stages of perfection.
Last updated 26 September 2017 with email from Dave Grubbs.
Contains items from IM issues through number 943.
==== Items ready to be reported to the Membership
None at this time.
==== Ideas for future changes
- 3.6(2)M says that though smoking was banned at NESFA meetings in 11/70, it was changed in 12/70 to
be managed as a "point of personal privilege rather than a hard-and-fast rule." For the clubhouse,
smoking should be banned outright, even if the law still allows it in private buildings. (Does it?)
[I'm not aware of any problems with the current rule in the past several
- I want to add something like this:
1.6(8)F Rules Committee Changes to the Standing Rules and Bylaws will be printed in
Instant Message and made available on the web site. If no objections arise within 10
days of the publication of the Instant Message containing those changes, the changes
will go into effect.
[This is incompatible with the rules in the ByLaws for amending the
ByLaws; it would also replace the existing rules for Standing Rules
changes which state that the motions they're based on go into effect
immediately when the motion is passed.]
==== Items being perfected by the Rules Committee
==== 2002-11-IM710.1
IM #710 11/06/2002
Tony Lewis's Renamed Months:
Acting upon the charge laid upon me by the August 2002 Business Meeting, I have
come up with a proposed list of new names for months. This was inspired by the
example of the government of Turkmenistan whose efforts are, although useful,
futile in the face of NESFA. The proposed list is:
Mundane NESFA
------- --------
January Asimov
February Boskone
March Bheer
April Linebarger
June Clement
July Moon
August Gernsback
September Worldcon
October Campbell
November Chocolate
December Clarke
==>> Proposed addition to section A.13, Foreign Relations and Religion
A.13(8)F Tony Lewis, acting upon the charge laid upon him by the August 2002 Business Meeting,
proposed the following list of new names for the months. This was inspired by the example of the
government of Turkmenistan whose efforts are, although useful, futile in the face of NESFA. [11/02]
Mundane NESFA
------- --------
January Asimov
February Boskone
March Bheer
April Linebarger
June Clement
July Moon
August Gernsback
September Worldcon
October Campbell
November Chocolate
December Clarke
==== 2002-12-IM712.1
We then formally defined the 2 similar, but different, NESFA words
"george" and "georgify". To george something means
to have George [Flynn] proofread it. Something is georgified if it has
been submitted to George to see if we're doing the right thing.
If we rewrite the Rules, I would like to see a "NESFA Terminology" section, wherein we could define the
"Drew", the "Skip", and other NESFA inventions, along with "to george" or "to georgify". But those are
currently under A.15 (Miscellaneous) where we could put this:
==>> Proposed addition to section A.15 (Miscellaneous)
A.15(26)F NESFA Press We formally define the two similar, but different, NESFA words
"george" and "georgify". To george something means to have George [Flynn] proofread it.
Something is georgified if it has been submitted to George to see if we're doing the right
thing. [12/02]
==== 2004-06-IM736.1, 2006-06-IM913.1
IM #736 6/9/2004 (a)
Gay Ellen said that once a new ISP is established the Web Committee will manage it.
Original notes:
[I remember a decision to move responsibility for our interactions with the outside world
from the Computer Committee to the Web Committee, leaving the Computer Committee responsible
only for equipment at the clubhouse or loaned to members, and for services to members (e.g.,
VPNs to members' systems), but the only traces I've found in IM so far are this and,
in the Computer Committee report in IM 718 (5/7/2003) "... the Computer Committee was
formed to take care of issues with internal systems first, with other duties such as Web,
email, and e-commerce added as time went on ... I am going to recommend that the Computer
Committee look at the various jobs currently assigned to it, and determine if some of these
duties are best handled by another committee." (Checking has gotten back as far as IM
#710 excluding IMs #730-728, and may need to go back to IM #607 which documents the
establishment of the Web Committee.)]
IM #767 4/19/2006 (b)
Original notes:
The following issue was raised but not voted on and no one objected to it. The Web
Committee's responsibility is to maintain the contents of the web pages, working ot maintain
an image the club as a whole decides to present to the world. Everything having to do with
infrastructure, including all network protocols, hardware, servers, and services are in the
purview of the computer committee. That was why we called the two "web" (i.e. visual design)
and "computer" (i.e. technology) instead of "internal" and "external"
Current rules:
1.33(1)M The Computer Committee is charged with organizing NESFA's computers and making
recommendations about future acquisitions. [Established 11/90]
1.34(1)F President: The Web Committee shall be responsible for maintaining NESFA's web site.
The subset of the Web Committee responsible for maintaining the history of NESFA and Boskone
shall be called "The Ministry of Truth". [Established 5/97; 2/02: Dave Grubbs was the first
to suggest the name "The Ministry of Truth", which was instantly appropriated by the
President. Ref. Orwell, 1984.]
==>> Proposed changes: (Will need motions to set these.)
1.33(1)M The Computer Committee is charged with organizing and maintaining NESFA's computers,
network infrastructure, and network services. It is also responsible for making
recommendations about future acquisitions. Maintenance of web-specific tools and services
belongs to the Web Committee. [Established 11/90; 7/15: added text about the network and the
Web Committee.]
1.34(1)M The Web Committee shall be responsible for maintaining the content and appearance
of NESFA's web site. It is also responsible for maintaining web-specific tools and services.
[Established 5/97; 7/15: added "content and appearance of" and the sentence ending with "tools
and services".]
A.1(13)F President: The subset of the Web Committee responsible for maintaining the history
of NESFA and Boskone shall be called "The Ministry of Truth". [2/02: Dave Grubbs was the
first to suggest the name "The Ministry of Truth", which was instantly appropriated by the
President. Ref. Orwell, 1984.]
==== 2008-06-IM803.1
The E-board authorized having an eFax account.
The E-Board also approved setting up an eFax account as an alternative
to our not very reliable fax machine. Cost is $25/month.
==== 2008-12-IM811.1
Insurance deductible raised to $10,000
[not tracked in the Standing Rules]
==== 2010-09-IM842.1
M-rule: The E-board is authorized to make adjustments to credit card processing,
but must inform the Membership.
MSPU the exec board is authorized to make adjustments to our payment
card processing as necessary. The exec board must inform the regular
membership of any changes in advance.
==== 2010-12-IM847.1
M-rule: If the E-board authorizes debit cards for anyone, then the Treasurer, ex
officio, must be authorized to have one.
[This was part of a bylaws amendment (next to last sentence of BL
5.4(a)). Discard it.]
==== 2011-06-IM856.1
Treasurer-Fiat: The Treasury procedures at are
fiats as they relate to how other Members interact with the Treasurer.
[much verbiage in the Treasurer's report]
==== 2011-10-IM861.1
Boskone rent to NESFA abolished.
[Partially done; SR 2.7(9) needs to be removed.]
Boskone pays NESFA rent ($300) and fees on capital equipment (a
percentage), and 3% of all Boskone-related credit card usage. Joe Ross
moves to abolish these charges. Friendly amendment to divide the
question by separating the credit card charges. Motion to abolish rent
and capital equipment fees passes. Motion to abolish credit card fees
==== 2011-11-IM862.1
SR 4.2(2) repealed.
[Is this right? that's the discount on large orders and 5 or more copies of an item.
It probably should be SR4.2(3), which is already marked as repealed as of 1/12.]
[Not in IM 862 -- that's an Other Meeting IM with no business content.]
[Not seen in IM 861 or IM 863.]
==== 2012-03-IM869.1
1. Clubhouse Kitty, SR 1.39 and 3.4(5) repealed; SR 1.20(22) modified
2. M-rule: authorization to post old editions of IM onto website
No actual motion found regarding the Clubhouse Kitty.
See 2012-04-IM871.2
MSP (Dave Grubbs) to place a PDF of each full IM (as normally published
to Subscribing Members) in a password-protected directory on the website, with access instructions and an optional "stay tuned"
note contained in each IM.
==== 2012-03-IM869.1
MSP that Tony Lewis & Rick Katze are authorized to act for NESFA Press
with regard to e-book production as discussed in the Committee of the
Whole, with the eboard having the final approval on contracts and other
==== 2012-04-IM871.1
M-rule: Visitors (nonmembers) at the clubhouse get 20% discount on
NESFA Press books bought and carried away, unless they're entitled to
a larger discount. Only the largest discount applies.
MSP when a non-member visits the clubhouse, he or she may buy our NESFA
Press books at a 20% discount (unless a larger discount applies; no
==== 2012-04-IM871.2
New Business: ...
Clubhouse Kitty (Dave C): We have over $5K in the
"Clubhouse Kitty," which is the old clubhouse fund. Since
there's no talk of buying a new clubhouse any more, and
this isn't enough to buy any property, Dave C moved that
we repeal the relevant standing rules (1.39 and 3.4(5)
M) and abolish the Kitty, and move the monies into the
general funds (changing section 1.20(24)M to replace
"Clubhouse Kitty" with "the corporation's general funds,
or another fund that the E-board or the Membership shall
establish." This means we could then spend the $5,700 on
something practical (like TVs), and it's less work for the
treasurer. Sharon wonders about directed donations; Dave
C is willing to set up a specific fund if needed. Dave G
notes that we need to make a directed effort if we really
want a new clubhouse. Dale moves to call the question;
passes many to few. This requires a 2/3 vote. MSPU.
--- end extract ---
Tim Roberge and I looked at the actual Treasury records last
night, and verified that I actually entered transactions to
effect this change. There is no "Clubhouse Kitty" nor "New
Clubhouse Fund" account on the books any more, and hasn't been
since April 2012.
==== 2012-05-IM873.1
SR 2.19E becomes M-rule, striking subpara (2) in the process.
[There's never been an SR 2.19; this probably should say SR 2.1(9).
If so, the change has already been made.]
Dues Waiver Criteria (Rick Kovalcik) -
Moved to strike the phrase "(2) Does this person go to non-local
conventions." of section 2.19E of the Standing Rules and change the
rest to an M-rule, thusly:
2.1(9)E M In waiving the dues of a member who requested same, we set up
the following parameters to use to help us make a decision: (1) Was the
person in need of financial help, not merely for convenience. It was
further noted that when the person was advised of same, we would
specifically note to the person that it was only for one year and that a
new request must be made each year, preferably before the expiration of
the membership. [12/09]
================================================================ ====
==== 2012-06-IM875.1
Treasurer fiat: Boskone credit card rate is 6.82%; outside organization
rate is 7%. [This change has already been made, but as part of a
Finance Committee fiat.]
==== 2012-08-IM878.1
M-rule: Boskone Treasurer may sign checks <=$500.00; requires two
signatures >=$500.01; similar wording to NESFA Treasurer's handling
of checks.
[This rule is already in ByLaws subsection 11.4(d) dated 9/12, so this
should be discarded.]
[It was actually notice of a ByLaws amendment to be voted on at the next
==== 2012-10-IM881.1
1. All accounting for Boskone Life memberships is abandoned.
[SR1.9(4-7) already marked as repealed.]
2. All Boskone guests and NESFA guests at Boskone will be treated
identically as to perqs and benefits.
MSPU that NESFA eliminate all accounting reserves for Life members.
(The effect of this motion would eliminate both the income and the
expense from the budget.)
MSP, to give the NESFA Press Guest and the
Clement Science Speaker Life memberships in NESFA
and Boskone.
The sentiment is that we should treat all of our guests equally; Dave A.
asks if it applies to per diems, etc., as well. It is thus amended.
Moved to eliminate NESFA Life memberships for Boskone guests.
MSP (Dave Grubbs) to amend that they get a NESFA Life membership but are
asked about IM: paper, electronic, or no IM. They will still be
honorary members. MSPU as amended. (So guests still get honorary NESFA
memberships, and will be asked about IM.)
==== 2013-04-IM890.1
M-rule: Use of the clubhouse should be requested on the NESFA-active
mailing list instead of petitioning the E-board. [No change was made
as to who grants the approval, so I (Dave C.) assume that it is still
the E-board that does this, and that is how we've been operating.]
[See SR5.6(3).]
MSH (RKOV) that requests to use the NESFA clubhouse brought before
nesfa-active, rather than going to the eboard, for transparency
purposes, when possible.
==== 2014-12-IM912.1
M-rule: Hurt books do not have to sold at 50%. They can be discarded
(at the discretion of the Sales Committee).
[As of this date SR2.5(14) says they shall be discarded, not sold at 50%,
but as part of a Treasurer fiat.]
Moved (Dave C) to change our way of handling hurt books from selling
them at 50% to simply giving them away at Boskone, and if the book is
too damaged then to simply throw the book away at the discretion of the
sales committee.
MSP (Rick Katze) to amend the motion to say that if the book is not
currently in the NESFA library that the library committee be given the
opportunity to decide if NESFA keeps the book or not.
The motion passed as amended.
==== 2014-12-IM912.2
The Membership passed a rule recently, in Dec. 2014 (IM912)
(which I reported in a previous message) that effectively repeals
this treasurer fiat 2.5(14)F regarding the handling of hurt
As it turns out, this fiat never should have showed up in the
SRs. When I was treasurer, I announced a fiat that the Treasury
Procedures themselves are fiats, and gave this one as an example.
I didn't intend for them to be included in the SRs, as they are
on our website in the Treasury Procedures area.
This particular rule needs to be rewritten by the current
Treasurer. (I'll help, Tim, if you want me to.) Some of that
procedure still needs to be done, but some of it is no longer
necessary. But it probably need not be in the published SRs.
[I don't see any of this in IM 912. What's the source?]
==== 2015-01-IM913.2
EBOARD meeting on 1-11-15:
Rick Katze and Tim Szczesuil brought up the following: Sales and Treasury assert that, in order to
be able to facilitate e-book sales through any service (Amazon, Miva, or similar), an automated
process to both integrate the sales data into the NESFA accounting system and perform direct royalty
payments (via PayPal or similar service) must be in place and tested before sales commence. These
requirements apply to all e-book sales on any particular service or venue.
==== 2015-01-IM913.3
She [Sharon Sbarsky] says that it seems that some people whose dues expired on 12/31 were told that
they couldn't vote in January until they paid up. For 35 years, we haven't dropped people until at
least a month after their dues were due, if not much longer. The rules
[ and] seem to be more
aggressive about dropping people.We should bring the Bylaws & Rules back into step with out
tradition. Dave C points out that the By-Laws contradict our current practice and say that we should
be dropping people at the end of the month thair dues were due. (Ref.
==== 2015-01-IM913.4 & 2015-02-IM914.1
[2015-01-IM913: Official Notice: We will vote on this motion at the February 2015, BM: Move to
change the membership rates to $30 for Regular, $25 for Inactive, $24 for General, $20 for
Subscribing, and $2 for Family Dependency, effective on May 1, 2015]
2015-02-IM914: Motion to increase the NESFA dues as follows: $30 for Regular, $25 for Inactive, $24
for General, $20 for Subscribing, and $2 for Family Dependency, effective on May 1, 2015. MP
==== 2015-03-IM915.1 & 2015-04-IM916.1 & 2015-05-IM917.1
2015-03-IM915: Motion that a carry over from one convention to another convention may be approved by
either the incoming and outgoing con chairs, the regular membership, or the eboard. MP
2015-04-IM916: Dave C notes that the following was omitted in IM915 - Dave G explained that
carryovers and rollovers are normally authorized by agreement of the chairman of the two conventions
involved. Dave C asked what happens when those two chairmen disagree. Dave G responded that the
executive board of (2015-05-IM917: which was corrected to "or") the regular membership can then make
the decision, and that those bodies can also overrule a denial by the chairmen. Also, in general,
the executive board or the membership would only overrule a negative decision, allowing the rollover
or carryover, and would not overrule an initially affirmative decision by the two chairmen.
==== 2015-03-IM915.2
Dave G moves to designate a Short Story Committee 13 months before the
award is to be issued. Dave A says that this motion requires a change
in the by-laws. Rick Katze says a bypass can be achieved.
Note: I remember this passing, but the IM didn't report that.
==== 2015-03-IM915.3 & 2015-04-IM916.2 & 2015-05-IM917.2
[2015-03-IM915: A *HUGE* set of comments on what "as otherwise
provided" means was accompanied by a suggest that we have to changes it
all. The Rules committee suggested we do not change anything. A vote
in a later IM rejected this set of suggested changes.
2015-04-IM916: Joe asked for a delay
2015-05-IM917: Motion failed.]
[This involved a proposed bylaws change, which we do not track in
Standing Rules updates, and it was a change that was defeated.]
==== 2015-03-IM915.4
We were asked to cast into proper language the consensus of the
membership from straw-polls taken at the December meeting. The Standing
Rules in question are as follows:
1.34(2)M Any member may join the nesfa-announce or nesfa-open mailing
lists. Only members who are actively participating in NESFA may join
the nesfa-active list (but they need not live locally or attend meetings
regularly). Except as otherwise provided, only Regular members may be
members of the nesfa-regular list. [1/07 for the nesfa-announce and
nesfa-open lists. 5/07 for the nesfa-active and nesfa-regular lists.
See also 1.34(3)].
1.34(3)M The Boskone Chair (man, woman, person) and the Boskone
Treasurer, once appointed and ratified by the membership, shall be
included in the NESFA regular e-mail list until 6 months after their
Boskone has ended. [6/09]
The results of the straw poll as reported in IM are:
Boskone chair: yes. Boskone treasurer: yes. Head of hotel committee:
yes. Deputy head of hotel committee: no. Other members of the hotel
committee: no. Any other who is deemed by the regular membership to be
on the list for sometime: yes.
It is proposed to amend 1.34(3)M to read as follows (new language in
italics, deletion in [brackets]):
1.34(3)M The chair of the Hotel Committee shall at all times be included
in the nesfa-regular e-mail list. The Boskone Chair (man, woman,
person) and the Boskone Treasurer, once appointed and ratified by the
membership, shall be included in [the NESFA regular e-mail list]
nesfa-regular until 6 months after heir Boskone has ended. [6/09]
We deem it unnecessary to add that other persons can be added by the
Membership, since the Membership always has the power to amend the rule
by adding other persons.
==== 2015-03-IM915.6 & 2015-04-IM916.3
2015-03-IM915: Mike S moves to allocate funds to purchase two copies of
each book that The NESFA Reading Group plans on reading. If the club
already has a copy then only one extra copy will be bought of the book.
He intends to bring this up at the April BM for a vote. Rick Kov says
it's too open-ended. He wants to alter the language to say "to
authorize double the cover price of the book to buy books for The NESFA
Reading Group". Dale F wishes to add that no more than 10 books should
be bought per year.
2015-04-IM916: Mike S says that he introduced a motion to provide The
NESFA Reading Group with copies of the books to read. Mike S moves to
make sure the library has at least 2 copies of books chosen by The NESFA
Reading Group to be purchased by the library committee if necessary and
in a timely fashion. MSP.
==== 2015-04-IM916.4
Dave G's motion is as follows: Moved, NESFA Press may offer discounts
to books deemed remaindered. The details of the discounted amount, the
quantity of books affected and the designation of a book as remaindered,
to be decided by The Book Reduction Committee and the Exec Board: MP
==== 2015-06-IM919.1
[Boskone day rates: Rick Kov proposed the following in an email: Raise
the adult rates for Fri, Sat, Sun, and full by $5 at-the-door, and to
make it so that the cost of Fri/Sat or Sat/Sun is more than the cost of
a full badge. Current rates: Fri/20, Sat/40, Sun/20, Full/60 Proposed
rates: Fri/25, Sat/45, Sun 25, Full/65
Move to set at-door rates to: Fri/25, Sat/45, Sun/25, Full/65 for
adults, college at Full/40, K-12 at Full/25, and Staff at Full/40. MP]
==== 2015-06-IM919.3
[Is this stored in rules? (-dgg-)
Tim S asks about the souvenir book ad rates. Do we want to set it now? Move to set ad rates for the
souvenir book at:
Back Cover (color): Pro/$495, Fan/$350, Back Cover (grayscale): Pro/$400, Fan/$270 Inside Cover:
Pro/$330, Fan/$215, Full Page: Pro/$260, Fan/$95, ½ Page: Pro/$160, Fan/$65, ¼ Page: Pro/$95,
Fan/$35. MP]
[This is not tracked in Rules AJR]
Unfiltered email from Dave Cantor 2015-06-30:
(new section)F Treasurer: Treasury procedures on the web site
are fiats by the Treasurer where they
are not M- or E-rules. (Announced by me in 2010 or '11.)
(new section)F Treasurer: All expenses for Boskone guests,
including NESFA Press guests and Science Speaker
guests are to be paid by the Boskone treasurer, and those
expenses which belong
to NESFA are to be cross-charged. (This is to prevent
recurrence of the incident
which happened after Boskone 50 where a member submitted expenses
on behalf of
the Science Speaker to both treasurers, and both treasurers paid
the bill.) (We got
the duplicate money back.) (Announced by me in 2011 or '12.)
1.9(6)M (transfer of money for life membership of Boskone guests)
was repealed. [already done]
1.9(7)M " for Boskone life memberships" was repealed [already done]
1.37(2)M and 1.38(1)M and
1.9(20)M changed to make all the guests equal.
1.39 whole section
All repealed. Clubhouse Kitty was abolished.
2.8 was completely repealed.
Needs prices for books not yet listed.
$150 s/b $250
Stated discount suspension is 50 *I think* we amended this
to 25. Check for lower number.
2 consecutive M rules there. Order of reading may affect
interpretation. Make them
into one sentence.
Postage charges may be out of date.
Need to add books not yet listed.
==== 2015-09-IM921.1
[Gaughan Award administrator: Erin Underwood
Exec Board:
Warrior's Apprentice reprint(?) approved
MidAmericon book contract approved
Zoo reprint approved]
Move to make the domain name for all formats of books.
[Tim S will run the sales table at MidAmericon]
==== 2015-10-IM922.1
[Outreach (Bill T): meetup pages for NESFA and for Boskone are up
Tim S will run the sales table at MidAmericon]
==== 2015-11-IM923.1
[Boskone 54 Chair: Erin Underwood
Shards of Honor reprint approved
Gaughan Award judges approved for 3 years each: Greg Manchess,
Arnie Fenner, Cathy Fenner
Nine Black Doves reprint approved
Making Conversation contract signed]
==== 2015-11-IM923.2
MSP: Dave C moves that the treasurer of any convention run under NESFA's
purview, other than Boskone, and beginning with NEGC3, be responsible
to, and report to, the NESFA Treasurer in the same way that a Boskone
treasurer does.
==== 2015-12-IM924.1
[MP: Concerning the Grimm contract, Gay Ellen moved for the book to have
a $35 list price, $28 price if bought at Boskone, to place a limit of
five copies per person, and for 700 copies. MP 2/3: ]
[MP: Tony moves that the membership approve a Silverberg project.
MP: Tim S moves to authorize a reprint of the Zelazny Bibliography. MSP to reprint The Ides of Octember]
MP 2/3: Gay Ellen entertains a motion to alter the bylaws to change the
deadline date to Jan 10. [it's not clear what this refers to, and it
presumably has no effect since the proper procedure wasn't followed]
[From context this probably refers to NEGC3 -- which isn't in the
==== 2016-01-IM925.1
Zelazny Bibliography print run of 250 copies approved 4-0
Conspiracy print run of 500 copies with a set list price approved 4-0.
MSPU: To set the member discount rate for Conspiracy to 40%.]
==== 2016-02-IM926.1
Dave A sent an email to the eboard about creating a spot on the NESFA
page which links all our social media pages (Facebook, meetup, etc.).
This issue will be brought back up in two months.]
==== 2016-02-IM926.2
MSPU: Tim S moves for $245 to purchase a creative cloud license for
Alice Lewis for the foreseeable future with a limit of $500/year for
subsequent years.
==== 2016-02-IM926.3
MSPUP: Dave G moves, as of now we will give free Boskone memberships to
past featured filkers and official artists.
==== 2016-03-IM927.1
[MP: Motion to reprint 3 different books that we're running low on.
The Membership approved reprinting: Kovacs, Christopher, The Ides of
Octember, 978-1-61037-309-8 Bujold, Lois McMaster, Falling Free,
1-886778-53-1, 978-1-886778-53-5 Bujold, Lois McMaster, Borders of
Infinity, 1-886778-59-0, 978-1-886778-59-7
Conspiracy now available as an eBook]
MP: Motion to mandate a link on the NESFA NEGC site leading to the NEGC
meetup page. [What is NEGC? AJR]
==== 2016-03-IM927.2
Dave G moves to stop the practice of sending out printed materials after
the convention to no-shows and to send email with links to the
material instead. [Can't tell if it passed.]
[Does anyone remember whether this passed? AJR]
==== 2016-04-IM928.1
In 'corrections to the minutes':
Dave G says that, in New Business, concerning his motion to stop the
practice of sending out printed materials after the convention to
no-shows, that Joe R was misquoted. He says that Joe R made a second
motion that wasn't listed, where a one-time postcard to no-shows without
email addresses who did have valid physical addresses. This one-time
postcard will contain both the info (mostly links) that will be in the
post-con email, along with a request for an updated email address and a
warning that this would be their last post-con mailing of any kind until
they send us a usable email address.
Dave C says that, during the announcement section, Chip H requested that
we list on the calendar, events that aren't happening that normally
would. Dave C objected and asked the membership to vote an opinion.
Dave C says that, where so many people felt so strongly about the
issue, that this should've been treated as if it were a motion and he
asks the rules committee to take note of this.
==== 2016-04-IM928.2
[Boskone 54 Treasurer: Ann Broomhead
Ellison contract was approved & signed.
reprints of Borders of Infinity and Shards of Honor approved
NESFA Meetup page was discussed.]
RKOV says that, according to the website concerning charitable
organizations, the magic number for the state is $200,000 to trigger
an automatic review by accountants.
MP: Dave C moves to make it part of the treasurer's responsibilities
to watch the gross revenue total and inform the club when it
approaches $200,000 to make a decision.
[Call Me Joe available as eBook]
==== 2016-05-IM929.1
authorized Falling Free reprint
If I Ran the Zoo Con available as eBook]
==== 2016-06-IM930.1
MSPU by Chip to keep Boskone ad rates the same from year to year unless
we move them.
==== 2016-06-IM930.2
Moved to port our existing fax number straight to eFax and get rid of
the Verizon line.
MSP to amend the motion to require us to stop publishing/advertising our
fax number.
Motion passed as amended.
==== 2016-08-IM931.1
The ByLaws say that the Clerk is supposed to send out notices to members
whose dues are near to expiration. The Standing Rules says the
Membership Committee specifies the method by which the Clerk sends those
notices. It also says that a person's membership automatically extends
until 30 days after they're given notice. In the case of members who
receive IM on paper, notice is accomplished by a line on their address
label. In the case of members who have elected not to receive IM on
paper, the Membership Committee has decided that we will print a label
for them, with a dues notice line, and send them an IM. The Clerk and I
have discussed this and believe it's feasible. We will also generate a
special label saying something like "You are receiving this IM on paper
to remind you to pay your dues." Unless someone makes a motion to do
something else, this will start with the next issue of IM [ed: That
means this one you're reading now], and I will extend members whose dues
were due between March this year and now, and who haven't already
renewed, to expire in September.
Membership Committee: members whose dues are due and who have elected
to not receive paper IMs will be sent one paper IM with a dues-due
label and a special label noting that they are receiving a paper copy
because their dues are due
==== 2016-08-IM931.2
MSP, from the Clubhouse committee, that the air conditioners should not
be set below 72 unless there is some urgent need such as (a) cooling the
clubhouse down below 72 in preparation for turning them off before a
meeting, (b) additional dehumidification in exceptional circumstances
after the room has already been brought to 72, or (c) a health
==== 2016-08-IM931.3
MSPU to amend the standing rule so that going forward Boskone pays the
payment fees only for the month of Boskone.
[No context provided; it's just a motion under New Business.]
==== 2016-09-IM932.1
A straw poll of the membership was taken and we decidedly overwhelmingly that publishing the names
of new members is a good idea.
MSPU that only names (of new members) be listed in IM and no further
information be printed.
==== 2016-09-IM932.2
The Membership Committee met electronically during the last month and we
agree unanimously to allow the Clerk, when notifying members whose
dues are coming due, and who do not get IM on paper, to send a
postcard or other written communication to the member in lieu of
sending a copy of IM. This is to be at the Clerk's option. This is a
Membership Committee fiat; Rules Committee, please note.
==== 2016-09-IM932.3
SR 1.7(10)F states that such notice (that a Regular Member is in danger
of attending too few meetings in a six-month perion) is to be given at
the February and August BM. It makes no allowance for us skipping the
August meeting. The Membership Committee will discuss how to change
this wording.
==== 2016-10-IM933.1
Web (Dave G.): Help adopting and maintaining pages would be nice.
Boskone site users can/should update their own info.
[Not a motion.]
==== 2016-10-IM933.2
MSP that the club authorize Bard Verter to remove historical documents
and records related to NESFA for deposition in an archive TBD. This
includes items donated by individuals.
MSP that we donate multiple copy items to both Texas A&M and Harvard and
unique items solely to Harvard.
Tim S appoints a committee with GED as Chair, Kelly, Rick Katze, Brad V,
Erin U, Joe Ross. Any thing that members donate to the archive might
be tax deductible.
==== 2016-10-IM933.3
MSP that if any outside group wishes that meet at NESFA, that they need
a keyholder, and must fill (sic) meet certain requirements, including
the need to pay rent, if requested.
==== 2017-04-IM939.1
The eboard met at the last OM to discuss a couple of issues. We decided
that it's time to stop sending whole IMs to "paperless" members whose
memberships are about to expire and instead to start sending postcards
as was authorized last year.
==== 2017-05-IM940.1
MSP many-3 to retroactively extend the free Boskone membership given to
some guests to all guests, including the NESFA Press guest and the Hal
Clement Science Speaker.
==== 2017-08-DGG.1
From Sun Aug 27 12:34:26 2017
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2017 12:34:26
From: David G. Grubbs
Reply-To: NESFA Active Members Mailing List
To: NESFA Active
Subject: [nesfa-active] I want to modify a fiat attributed to me.
SR section 4.3(12)F (by IM List Moderator) is a fiat taken from something I
wrote five years ago:
"There will be 2 mailing lists: one receiving a URL with an
attachment, and one receiving a URL only. Normally, Instant
Message is mailed out in paper form. If you want to receive it
electronically, or receive a notification when you can retrieve
it from our web site, you can sign up for one of two mailing
lists. You can sign up for both if you like, though that's
probably a rare need. Signing up for either of these lists does
not cause us to stop sending you the paper version. Eventually
we'll make the paper copy optional. Adding yourself to either of
these lists requires moderator approval; only email addresses
known to belong to NESFA members will be approved. If you're not
sure, send a note with your name and the desired email address to well before trying to sign up; if you don't want
this address to be generally known, tell us to mark it as "do not
publish" (which will prevent it from appearing in the roster or
in any roster updates published in IM). If this isn't enough info
for you, or you have trouble using the lists, please contact The sign-up lists are at [8/12]"
I would like to modify that to something like this: (The parts within {{
}} are the same.)
There are 2 mailing lists for electronic Instant Message (IM) distribution:
one receiving an attached IM in PDF form and one receiving the URL of our
IM archive along with a username and a password allowing access to that
archive. The username and password are guaranteed to work for 6 weeks, but
in practice will work for longer. {{Adding yourself to either of these
lists requires moderator approval; only email addresses known to belong to
NESFA members will be approved. If you're not sure, send a note with your
name and the desired email address to well before trying
to sign up; if you don't want this address to be generally known, tell us
to mark it as "do not publish" (which will prevent it from appearing in the
roster or
in any roster updates published in IM). If this isn't enough info for you,
or you have trouble using the lists, please contact
The sign-up lists are at}}
The NESFA membership form (new or renewal) allows the member to request
delivery of IM in one or more forms: paper, PDF, or URL. We don't currently
allow a member to receive *none* of the three forms. We continue to send
paper IMs to every member twice per year containing the membership roster.
A member may request separately not to receive the biannual
roster-containing paper IM by verifying that they do not need or want the
roster information. [9/17]
==== 2017-09-IM942.1
MSP to require certain information in the last-page calender of IM. The
text reported in IM is wrong, the correct text is:
Moved that the calendar information in each issue of Instant Message
(the "In Times To Come" section) must include every NESFA general
membership meeting of any sort which is scheduled to occur before one
week after the expected publication date of the next issue of Instant
Message and should include every NESFA or clubhouse event which is
scheduled to occur before that date.
==== 2017-09-IM942.2
MSH to declare that Michael S.'s birthday be recognized in September
and/or any other time that he brings cake.
==== 2017-09-IM942.3
MSP that NESFA reimburse hosts of OMs at the rate of $5 per person, up
to $100 if receipts are provided.
[IIRC the actual motion had a start date of January 2018. This is
supported by 2017-09-IM943.4.]
==== 2017-09-IM942.4
MSP to allow NESFA to create shirts based on designs to be approved by
the membership.
==== 2017-09-IM943.1
Sharon has some ideas with how to offer ebooks to our own members for
the usual membership discount.
MPH to allow this to happen.
==== 2017-09-IM943.2
MSP to instruct the book reduction committee to sell off certain books
at a substantial discount (as low as $1) to book buyers. Suford
requests that full and clear reports be made of this.
==== 2017-09-IM943.3
MSP to allow honorary members to cease receiving all forms of IM or
other forms of communication from NESFA.
MSP to immediately add honorary members as soon as they are appointed as
guests of Boskone.
==== 2017-09-IM943.4
MSPU to move the the start of last month's OM reimbursement motion to
December 2017 and to increase the limit to $200 for that meeting.