February 14-16, 1997
Sheraton Tara, Framingham MA
John M. Ford is the author of two World Fantasy Award-winning works, the alternate history novel The Dragon Waiting, and the poem "Winter Solstice, Camelot Station"; Nebula Award finalist Fugue State; and Philip K. Dick Award-winner Growing Up Weightless. His writing spans a wide range of science fiction and fantasy novels and stories, including the proto-cyberpunk Web of Angels, the collection Casting Fortune and other tales set in the Liavek shared world, the Alternaties Corporation stories, and How Much For Just The Planet? (a song and slapstick-filled Star Trek novel in which no one dies . . . except of embarrassment). He is also a lyricist, poet, playwright, and Origins Award-winning game designer whose work illuminates the many different facets of the genre.
An updated bibliography is available, and Spike MacPhee's August 1995 essay, "UnderappreciRated SF Authors", is an interesting introduction and discussion of several of his novels.
We're pleased to announce that NESFA Press will be releasing a collection of John M. Ford's short fiction and poetry at Boskone 34. From the End of the Twentieth Century will include previously-unpublished material relating to the Lunar Transit System of Growing Up Weightless, several pieces formerly released only in limited edition printings, new nonfiction work, and a short story written for this collection. The book will be a standard NESFA Press hardcover (including a limited boxed edition), with cover art by Boskone 34's Official Artist . . .
Ron Walotsky has been producing exciting and insightful cover art for almost 30 years, most recently for Ancient Echoes (Robert Holdstock), Panda Ray (Michael Kandel), Temporary Agency (Rachel Pollack), The 37th Mandala (Marc Laidlaw), and Primary Inversion (Catherine Asaro). Ron's work regularly appears on the covers of Fantasy & Science Fiction and Amazing. He was a 1993 Hugo Award nominee for Best Artist, and the creator of the limited-edition Amber Portfolio. His latest projects include several children's books (The Crystal Palace of Adamas, by Richard Wainwright, recently won the Gold Seal Ben Franklin Award), a collection of Comic Images "Star Quest" series game cards, and cards for Clive Barker's "Imijica" series.
Ron's homepage includes a more complete biography and a gallery of both recent and classic Walotsky paintings. He is also the Artist GoH for the upcoming World Fantasy Convention, in Chicago this year, which has produced a Ron Walotsky writeup about his work and career.
Jerry Kaufman & Suzanne Tompkins are participants in many aspects of the field. They've received Hugo Award nominations for Best Fanzine for both Spanish Inquisition (one issue also won the "Best Single Issue" FAAN Award in 1976) and Mainstream. Suzle was a founding member of the Western PA Science Fiction Association (WPSFA) and PghLange; Jerry was the DUFF delegate to Syncon, the 1983 Australian National Convention, and co-chaired the winning bid to host the 1985 convention - in Seattle! They were co-chairs of a Corflu in Seattle, and can regularly be found working at Corflu, Potlatch, and many other conventions. Jerry was also a founding partner of Serconia Press, a specialty publisher dedicated to works about science fiction, including Brian Aldiss' Hugo-nominated The Pale Shadow of Science and the Readercon Award-winning Strokes by John Clute.
Tom Smith is a midwestern musician who's been breaking rules, stretching boundaries, and crushing stray neurons for over a decade. He's the winner of many songwriting contests and Pegasus Awards for excellence in filking; his work has also had multiple appearances in Dr. Demento's "Funny Five". Possibly the fastest lyricist in fandom, and one of its most consistently devastating punsters, Tom also has the ability to win (or break) your heart with his serious work. He has two best-selling tapes available, Who Let Him In Here? and Domino Death, and is simultaneously working on the next three!
Tom's homepage includes song lyrics, his convention schedule, and comments on many subjects.
Boskone 34 will also be hosting Fanhistoricon, a mini-con dedicated to preserving and recording fannish history. We'll be including program items and discussions, and a Timebinders meeting is also planned -- all are welcome.