John M. Ford

A Chronological Bibliography

(Notes: This is a non-exhaustive list. Most of the published fiction and poetry is included. Not included are items such as reviews and magazine fillers, extremely limited/private editions, a small amount of minor and/or pseudonymous work, and works under contract but not yet completed. Game credits are limited to principal credited designs, omitting many short scenarios and idea pieces written for magazines such as The Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society (later Challenge), The Space Gamer, Autoduel Quarterly, and Pyramid, as well as several years' worth of game essays and reviews for Asimov's and Amazing, and contributing/consulting design on many other gamebooks and projects.)

The compiler acknowledges with deep appreciation the following invaluable resources: the Internet Speculative Fiction DataBase; Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Horror 1984-1996 (copyright 1996 by Charles N. Brown & William G. Contento); the NESFA Index; the NESFA and MITSFS library collections; and, especially, the author.

"This, Too, We Reconcile"
Analog, May 1976

"There Will Be a Sign"
Asimov's, January-February 1978

"On the Q167 File"
Asimov's, November-December 1978; reprinted in Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Anthology, ed. Scithers (Davis 1979); Science Fiction Masterpieces, ed. Asimov (Galahad 1986)

"Double in Brass"
Asimov's, April 1979

"On Tabletop Universes" (article)
Asimov's, April 1979

Asimov's, May 1979

"On Evenings Beyond the Fields We Know" (article)
Asimov's, July 1979

"Stone Crucible"
Asimov's, August 1979

"The Adventure of the Solitary Engineer"
Asimov's, September 1979; reprinted in Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Anthology, ed. Scithers (Davis 1982); Laughing Space, ed. Asimov & Jeppson (Houghton Mifflin 1982)

"Mandalay" (an Alternities Corporation story)
Asimov's, October 1979; Asimov's German edition; reprinted in Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Anthology, ed. Scithers (Davis 1980); From the End of the Twentieth Century

"The Sapphire as Big as the Marsport Hilton"
Asimov's, November 1979

Web of Angels (Pocket 1980; Tor 1992)

"As Above, So Below"
Dragons of Light, ed. Orson Scott Card (Ace 1980); reprinted in Strange Dreams, ed. Donaldson (Bantam Spectra 1993); From the End of the Twentieth Century

"Out of Service" (an Alternities Corporation story)
Asimov's, July 1980

"Hot Pursuit"
Asimov's, September 1980

"The Wheels of Dream"
Asimov's, October 1980

"Slowly By, Lorena" (an Alternities Corporation story)
Asimov's, November 1980; reprinted in The Fantastic Civil War, ed. McSherry, Jr., Waugh, & Greenberg (Baen 1991)

"What's Wrong with this Picture?", with Barry B. Longyear and George H. Scithers
Asimov's, November 1980; reprinted in Tales from the Spaceport Bar, ed. Scithers & Schweitzer (Avon 1987)

On Writing Science Fiction (The Editors Strike Back!), with George H. Scithers and Darrell Schweitzer (Owlswick Press 1981)

"1952 Monon Freightyard Blues"
Asimov's, January 1981; reprinted in From the End of the Twentieth Century

"On Opening Night at the Universe: A Personal Voyage to Carl Sagan's Cosmos" (essay)
Asimov's, February 1981

"The Dark Companion"
Asimov's, September 1981; Asimov's (German edition) #19, Heyne 1993, as "Der dunkle Begleiter"; reprinted in From the End of the Twentieth Century

"Intersections" (an Alternities Corporation story)
Asimov's, October 1981; reprinted in From the End of the Twentieth Century

"Waiting for the Morning Bird"
Asimov's, November 1981; reprinted in From the End of the Twentieth Century

The Princes of the Air (Timescape 1982; Tor 1991)

"Amy, at the Bottom of the Stairs"
Asimov's, April 1982; reprinted in From the End of the Twentieth Century

"Shelter from the Storm"
Asimov's, July 1982

"The Persecutor's Tale"
Amazing, November 1982; reprinted in Another Round at the Spaceport Bar, ed. Scithers & Schweitzer (Avon 1989)

The Dragon Waiting: A Masque of History (Timescape 1983; SFBC 1984; Avon 1985, 1988; Corgi (UK) 1985; Goldmann Verlag (Germany) (as Der Thron des Drachen) 1985, 1988; Ediciones Martinez Roca (Spain) (as Cuando el Dragon Despierte) 1986)
Winner of the World Fantasy Award for Best Novel, 1984

"Boundary Echoes"
OMNI, September 1983; reprinted in The OMNI Book of Science Fiction #4, ed. Datlow (Zebra 1985)

The Final Reflection (Star Trek novel) (Pocket 1984; Gregg Press 1985; Titan (UK) 1988; Heyne (Germany) (as Der Letzte Schachzug) 1988)

As "Michael J. Dodge":
Star Trek: Voyage to Adventure (Which Way Book #15) (Archway Books 1984)
Star Trek paragraph-choice book for young readers

"SF Clichés I: Galactic Empires" (poem)
Amazing, July 1984; reprinted in Timesteps

"Heat of Fusion"
Asimov's, September 1984; reprinted in The Ascent of Wonder: The Evolution of Hard SF, ed. Hartwell & Cramer (Tor 1994)

"SF Clichés II: Psionics" (poem)
Amazing, November 1984; reprinted in Timesteps

As "Milo Dennison":
The Case of the Gentleman Ghost (Blackstone's Magic Adventure #2) (Tor 1985) paragraph-choice book for intermediate readers, featuring Harry Blackstone, Jr. (other books in this series, under Dennison pseudonym, are not by JMF)

The Yellow Clearance Black Box Blues, adventure for PARANOIA (West End Games 1985)
Origins Award, Best Role-Playing Supplement, and Select Award for Best Product of the Year

Star Trek III, boxed set of three solitaire boardgames, with Greg Kostikyan & Doug Kaufman (West End Games 1985)

"SF Clichés III: Time Machines" (poem)
Amazing, January 1985; reprinted in Timesteps

"Alkahest: The Deathtoll Solution" (Cars Wars fiction)
Autoduel Quarterly, "Fall 2035" (October 1985)

"Scrabble With God"
Asimov's, October 1985; reprinted in From the End of the Twentieth Century

"A Cup of Worrynot Tea"
Liavek: The Players of Luck, ed. Shetterly & Bull (Ace 1986); reprinted in Casting Fortune

"Walkaway Clause"
Asimov's, December 1986; reprinted in From the End of the Twentieth Century

How Much For Just the Planet? (Star Trek novel) (Pocket 1987; Titan (UK) 1987, 1996; SFBC 1988)
New York Times bestseller

Scared Stiffs, adventure for GHOSTBUSTERS, with Bill Slaviscek (West End Games 1987)

"Eel Island Shoals" (song lyric)
Liavek: Wizard's Row, ed. Shetterly & Bull (Ace 1987)

"Fugue State" (short version)
Under the Wheel: Alien Stars Volume III, ed. Mitchell (Baen 1987)
Nebula Award finalist

"Green is the Color"
Liavek: Wizard's Row, ed. Shetterly & Bull (Ace 1987); reprinted in Masterpieces of Fantasy and Wonder, ed. Hartwell (GuildAmerica Books 1989; SFBC 1989); Casting Fortune
Honorable Mention by The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, ed. Datlow & Windling (St. Martin's 1988)

"Pot-Boil Blues" (song lyric)
Liavek: Wizard's Row, ed. Shetterly & Bull (Ace 1987)

"Tales From the Original Gothic"
The Architecture of Fear, ed. Cramer & Pautz (Arbor House 1987)

The Scholars of Night (Tor 1988, 1989)

Captain Confederacy (comic)
Issue 9: "Dear Brutus" with Will Shetterly
Issue 10: "Driving North"
Issue 11: "The Glass Arena" with Will Shetterly
art on all issues by Vince Stone
(Steeldragon Press 1988)

"A Holiday in the Park" (poem)
Weird Tales, Winter 1988-89; reprinted in Rhysling Anthology 1990, ed. Anon. (Science Fiction Poetry Association 1990); Christmas Stars, ed. Hartwell (Tor 1992); Timesteps

Silver Scream, ed. Schow (Dark Harvest 1988; Tor 1988); reprinted in The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, 2nd Annual Collection, ed. Datlow & Windling (St. Martin's 1989); From the End of the Twentieth Century

"Riding the Hammer"
Liavek: Spells of Binding, ed. Shetterly & Bull (Ace 1988); reprinted in From the End of the Twentieth Century
Honorable Mention by The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, 2nd Annual Collection, ed. Datlow & Windling (St. Martin's 1989)

"Street of Dreams"
Ripper!, ed. Dozois & Casper (Tor 1988)

"Winter Solstice, Camelot Station" (poem)
Invitation to Camelot, ed. Godwin (Ace 1988); reprinted in The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, 2nd Annual Collection, ed. Datlow & Windling (St. Martin's 1989); Rhysling Anthology 1989, ed. Anon. (Science Fiction Poetry Association 1989); Nebula Awards 25, ed. Bishop (HBJ 1991); Christmas Stars, ed. Hartwell (Tor 1992); Timesteps
Winner of the World Fantasy Award for Best Short Fiction, 1989, and the Rhysling Award

Casting Fortune (Liavek universe) (Tor 1989; SFBC 1989) includes: "A Cup of Worrynot Tea", "Green is the Color", and "The Illusionist"

"The Hemstitch Notebooks"
Asimov's, August 1989; reprinted in Isaac Asimov's SF Lite, ed. Dozois (Ace 1993)

"SF Clichés IV: Space Mercenaries"
Amazing, November 1989; reprinted in Timesteps

Fugue State (expanded version) (Tor Double #25, 1990)

Liavek poems: "The Grand Festival: Sestina"
"Divination Day: Invocation"
"Birth Day: Sonnet"
"Procession Day/Remembrance Night: Processional/Recessional"
"Bazaar Day: Ballad"
"Festival Day: Catechism"
"Restoration Day: Plainsong"
Liavek: Festival Week, ed. Shetterly & Bull (Ace 1990); "Bazaar Day" reprinted in Rhysling Anthology 1991, ed. Anon. (Science Fiction Poetry Association 1991); "Restoration Day" reprinted in From the End of the Twentieth Century
"Bazaar Day" nominated for the Rhysling Award

"Black Knight's Work" (song lyric)
recorded by Cats Laughing, Another Way to Travel (Spin Art 1990)

"Cosmology: A User's Manual" (poem)
Asimov's, January 1990; reprinted in Rhysling Anthology 1991, ed. Anon. (Science Fiction Poetry Association 1991); Timesteps

"SF Clichés V: The Alien" (poem)
Amazing, January 1990; reprinted in Timesteps

"SF Clichés VI: Immortality" (poem)
Amazing, January 1990; reprinted in Timesteps

"The Rosetta Roseannadetta Stone: Preliminary Translations (after Champollion) of Dingbat-Linear-A"
The New York Review of Science Fiction, February 1990

"SF Clichés VII: The Big Computer" (poem)
Amazing, March 1990; reprinted in Timesteps

"SF Clichés VIII: Starports" (poem)
Amazing, March 1990; reprinted in Timesteps

"SF Clichés IX: Alternate Worlds" (poem)
Amazing, May 1990; reprinted in Timesteps

"SF Clichés X: The City of Tomorrow" (poem)
Amazing, May 1990; reprinted in Timesteps

"SF Clichés XI: Starships" (poem)
Amazing, September 1990; reprinted in Timesteps

"SF Clichés XII: The End" (poem)
Amazing, November 1990; reprinted in Timesteps

Time Travel, supplement for GURPS, with Steve Jackson (Steve Jackson Games 1991; Devir Livraria (Brazil) as Viagens no Tiempo 1993)
Origins Award, Best Role-Playing Supplement 1991

"Another Cursed House Story" (poem)
Now We Are Sick, ed. Gaiman & Jones (DreamHaven 1991)

"On the Inevitability of Starships" (poem)
Tales of the Unanticipated #9, 1991; reprinted in Timesteps

Growing Up Weightless (Bantam Spectra 1993, 1994; Easton Press 1994)
Winner of the Philip K. Dick Award, 1994

Timesteps: A Selection of Poems (Rune Press 1993) includes: "Merlin, On a Late Afternoon", "Winter Solstice, Camelot Station", "A Holiday in the Park", "The Conjuration", "Midnight Stations", "The Starship Pauses in Flight", "Cosmology: A User's Manual", "The Copenhagen Interpretation", "On the Inevitability of Starships", "Persepolis", "Shared World", "Third Thoughts", "SF Clichés: A Sonnet Cycle", and "Janus: Sonnet"

"Dateline: Colonus"
Temporary Walls, ed. Ketter & Garcia (DreamHaven/1993 World Fantasy Convention 1993)
Honorable Mention by The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, 7th Annual Collection, ed. Datlow & Windling (St. Martin's 1994)

"Troy: The Movie" (poem)
Weird Tales, Spring 1994; reprinted in The 1995 Rhysling Anthology, ed. Anon (Figment Press 1995); From the End of the Twentieth Century
Rhysling Award nominee; Honorable Mention by The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, 3rd Annual Collection, ed. Datlow & Windling (St. Martin's 1990)

"Chromatic Aberration"
The Ascent of Wonder: The Evolution of Hard SF, ed. Hartwell & Cramer (Tor 1994)

"Chain Home, Low"
The Sandman: Book of Dreams, ed. Gaiman & Kramer (HarperPrism 1996)

"Erase/Record/Play: A Drama for Print"
Starlight 1, ed. P. Nielsen Hayden (Tor 1996)
Nebula Award finalist, Sturgeon Award finalist

"The Sixth Finger" (screenplay adaptation)
The Outer Limits: Volume One, ed. Notkin & Stewart (Prima 1996)

From the End of the Twentieth Century (NESFA Press 1997) includes: title essay, "1952 Monon Freightyard Blues", "Amy, at the Bottom of the Stairs", "A Little Scene to Monarchize", "Mandalay", "Rules of Engagement" (essay), "Monochrome" (song lyric, from How Much For Just the Planet?), "Another Island" (song lyric), "The Dark Companion", "Here to Get My Baby Out of Jail", "All Our Propagation", "To the Tsiolkovsky Station: Railroads in Growing Up Weightless" (essay), Lunar Transit System map and graphics, "As Above, So Below", "Walkaway Clause", "The Lost Dialogue" (poem), "Scrabble With God", "Preflash", "Persephone's Daughters" (song lyric), "The Bard in Prime Time" (song lyrics), "White Light" (song lyric), "Intersections", "Troy: The Movie" (poem), "Roadshow" (game scenario), "Waiting for the Morning Bird", "Restoration Day" (poem), and "Riding the Hammer"
Winner of the Minnesota Book Award for Best Science Fiction, 1998

This bibliography was originally produced for the Boskone 34 Program Book, and was last updated on July 7, 1998 by Davey Snyder.
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