Who are NESFAns?

NESFA's membership is world-wide, but most of the active members are in Eastern Massachusetts.

The Current Officers

President: Gay Ellen Dennett, president@nesfa.org
Vice President: David G. Grubbs, vice-president@nesfa.org
Treasurer: Tim Szczesuil, treasurer@nesfa.org
Clerk: Richard Duffy, clerk@nesfa.org


Many NESFAns have their own home pages and/or LiveJournals. Others have given us permission to publish their reviews and fanzines on the web. Various NESFAns are also active in other Massachusetts organizations and conventions such as Noreascon 4, MCFI, MASSFILC, Arisia, and Readercon

Committee Members and Other Positions

Here is a list of the current committee members and other appointees.

The Computer Committee

An appointed committee of Regular NESFA members are responsible for making technological assets available to NESFAns and others to accomplish the organization's goals. The current work scope of the committee is described here.

The Rules Committee

A committee of Regular Members who are not Officers, with several statutory duties, currently engaged in these activities.