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This appendix is a compilation of not altogether serious motions or fiats that have been passed throughout the history of NESFA, presented for the amusement of readers. Rather than converting them into the form of rules (as was done in previous editions of the NESFA Code), we have left them as they appeared in Instant Message, with enough context to indicate what was going on. Editing has been done only for clarity (e.g., to supply full names). Enjoy.
A.1 Names
A.1(1)M It was voted to decide the official name of Mr. Andrew Adams Whyte. There was a protest that Mr. Whyte should have some say in the matter, but it was pointed out that he had a vote like everyone else. Since it was not a matter of office, it was decided to let all present vote. The results were: Drew 4; optional 3; Andy 2; and 1 each for: Andre or Clod (andros adamas alophagos); as the spirit moves; Drawn; Drew Sir; freedom of choice; Handy Andy; hey you; invalid ballot (sic); legally Andrew Whyte; by his friends Drew or ---; Slim; that fellow; and a blank (blanc, white) ballot. So by plurality Mr. Andrew Adams Whyte is officially "Drew." [5/68]
A.1(2)M Someone: Leslie, have you named
the kitten [offspring of Semiramis and Yet]?
Leslie Turek: Not yet.
It was moved and seconded that the kitten be named "Not Yet, Nyet for
short." The motion passed unanimously, though Leslie kept saying "No,
no, no." [7/69]
A.1(3)M A letter was read from Don D'Ammassa requesting that NESFA change his son's name back to David from Daniel (see attendance list in last IM). MSP that NESFA affirm that the name of the son of Donald and Sheila D'Ammassa is indeed David. [6/75. By the way, David has more recently changed his own name to Algernon.]
A.1(4)M It was noted that past IMs refer to something called "Wintercon." As everyone recognizes, NESFA sponsors an event called "Codclave" and No. 5 will be held this January. Therefore it was MSP to correct this obvious flaw in prior IMs and change all of them to read "Codclave" retroactively. As [the Clerk] did not take any notes, an attempt to censure past Clerks for their errors does not exist and democracy prevails once again. [11/78. The reason for the change to "Codclave" was that the convention was not held on Cape Cod. When a subsequent incarnation moved back to the Cape, something had to give...]
A.1(5)M Laurie Mann brought up the subject of changing the name of the convention, since we will be on the Cape next year. Tony Lewis suggested we change the name of the Cape. Rich Ferree thought it should be called Frank Richards. MSP to rename Cape Cod Cape Richards. [9/84. The lore surrounding the mythic name "Frank Richards" is too extensive to chronicle here.]
A.1(6)M MSP to hold Boskone XVII at the Radisson Ferncroft and to call it for the external world by some other name. [3/79]
Voting for the name under which Boskone XVII would be known happened. The choices were: NESFIC, BOSKONE 16.5, BOSKLONE, BOSKONE XVII, MASCON. (If you think that these were bad, you should have seen the losers.) ... The winner was BOSKLONE, which was suggested by Wendell Ing. [5/79] [The official spelling was later defined as BoskLone; the typewritten form BoskLone was rarely used -- cjh]
A.1(7)M Since Harter [having been elected President] could not Harter the motion, it was eventually determined that Krissy should be "Harter for the year" so that all matters can be Hartered. The title of the position is "Boss Clone." [5/79]
A.1(8)M Someone cleverly moved to call the motion which got us into a committee of the whole. It deteriorated from there. "Call the motion what??" "How about Arthur???" MS to call the motion Arthur. "Any further debate? Hearing none, the motion is called Arthur. All those in favor of Arthur?" Chorus of ayes. (*Sigh*) [1/81]
A.1(9)M Rick Katze displayed Wendy Pini's artwork for the Boskone T-shirt. ... When asked if the shirt would be ready on time, he replied, "Trust me!" MSPU that Rick's name be changed to "Tricky Dicky." [1/83]
A.1(10)M Bob Knowlden commented that electing Rick [Boskone Chairman] would break the tradition of having every seventh Boskone be Tony Lewis's Boskone. MS (proposed by Greg Thokar) that in discussions of Boskone XXI, Rick or "Tricky Dicky" Katze be referred to as "Tony." George Flynn said this motion was out of order as we are in the middle of a vote. MS (proposed by Jill Eastlake) to censure the club as the preceding motion is too fannish. MS (proposed by Mark Olson) to Call the Question on all motions on the floor to be voted on simultaneously. MSPU (proposed by Jill) that no Boskone XXI meetings be held in Everett. ... A secret ballot was taken, and the Chair announced Rick's confirmation. [1/83]
A.1(11)M MSH (proposed by Brons) that since all present Members named "Turner" have the first initial "J", all future Turner Members must have the first initial "J". [4/83]
A.1(12)F Deborah Malamut said that since the President told her that she couldn't be "Deborah" as there was already a Debra and a Debbie in NESFA, she could use the name "Davida" or "Davey." Several protested that since there was a Dave A., a Dave B., and a Dave C., we were already over-Daved without adding a Dave E. or Dave M. [6/83]
A.1(13)M Dave Anderson said, while we are on the subject of name changes, I propose that Joe Rico's name, within NESFA at least, be "J.R." MSP to refer to Joe Rico as "J.R." [8/83]
A.2 Cats
A.2(1)M MSPU to create the position of Feline Deity. [5/74]
A.2(2)M A motion was passed to award Harry
Stubbs' dog "Pepper" the title of "Honorary Cat" for the
purposes of the NESFA cat census. [9/68]
Honorary Cat Pepper completed his tale of lives in September 1976. [12/76]
A.2(3)M MS(1 objection)ribbit: to admit Herbert Horatio Harold Hereford Phrog as an Honorary Cat. [2/74]
A.2(4)M MS(1 objection): to admit Gandy and Tasha (puppies at the Kents' farm) as official Honorary Cats. [2/74]
A.2(5)M MSP(2 negatives): Refer membership for Frenchy Boom-boom Eastlake and other e.t.s to the Membership Committee for discussion. [1/77]
A.2(6)M MSP to have the NESFA decennial cat census. (The Lewises have 4 new cats they got at the laundramat.) [11/77]
A.2(7)F President: It was ruled that any motion requiring action from cats is ultra vires. [10/79]
A.2(8)M On the table beside the Chair was "Gracie," a beautiful maroon velvet dragon with silver wings. ... MSP (proposed by the Chair) to accept "Gracie" as an official honorary cat. [9/81]
A.2(9)M MSP (proposed by the Clerk on the Feline Deity's behalf) to censure Time magazine for not mentioning the NESFA Cat Census in its 12/7/81 cover story on cats. [1/82]
A.2(10)F/M President: J. Mark Anderson should be this year's Feline Deity for the following reasons: (1) [He] is willing to do the job and hasn't been active in a number of years. (2) He owns a cat. (3) His reports will be brief. (4) There is ample precedent for an invisible and imperceptible ghod. ... [The President] made it clear that he was recommending combining the offices of Feline Deity and High Priest(ess). The motion passed. [6/88. The "J. Mark Anderson" mythos is one of those NESFA Mysteries that transpired mainly outside the realm of the Rules.]
A.3 Discipline
A.3(1)M A motion was made that the next person to mention Earthdate, Stardate, pointed ears, or the like be sent on a 5-year mission to go where no man has gone before. [7/69; not passed?]
A.3(2)E Consensus of opinion is that we should all have uniforms, and that Frisian should be the official language of NESFA. [1/74; the [in?]glorious history of Frisian Fandom is too complicated to discuss here.]
A.3(3)E/F RESOLVED: That, given the
current crises in NESFA, the Executive Board constitutes itself a committee of
public safety. The constitution is suspended, and free democratic elections
will be held when order is restored. Selected NESFA members will be asked to
report for internment at the end of the meeting. Members with unused room in
their basements are requested to donate same. [4/74]
Rules Committee: Assumes that the above Resolution by the Executive Board will
be ignored. [4/74]
A.3(4)M MSbaa to censure the new Editor for associating us with Highmore. [5/74. The reference is to the cover of PB 11.]
A.3(5)F Rules Committee: We decided that the Rules Committee is basically an operating and enforcement committee, not involved in setting policy, so we decided not to attempt to develop a NESFA uniform or pledge of allegiance, and instead to suggest that the President appoint a special committee to develop such standards, a committee hopefully composed of interested parties. In other words, we decided to pass the buck. [11/74]
A.3(6)M MSP to censure the Executive Board for conducting business at the Lexicon. [9/75]
A.3(7)M MSP to censure the Clerk. (Dr. Lewis made this motion because the Clerk had not called for people to sign the attendance list in over an hour. When the Clerk attempted to speak in favor of the motion, Krissy said that she did not understand but that he (the Clerk) should be stopped. The Clerk then made a cogent argument in favor of not only censuring the Clerk but removing him from office due to his nonfeasance.) (The Rules Committee noted that this motion should be ruled out of order since it did not go through them. President Harter determined that they waived their right to raise the issue. His reasoning was unclear.) [2/80]
A.3(8)E The Clerk reported that one of the most onerous duties of the Exec. Board is to listen to and deal with complaints. Most of the recent complaints concerned one individual whose behavior has been most detrimental to NESFA's image. Therefore, the Executive Board awards Mark Olson the Barbarian of the Year Award, consisting of a pair of chopsticks, and to remind him of their purpose, a 500-piece puzzle depicting Chinese food. Eschew your fork, Mark, and sin no more! A thoroughly unrepentant Mark Olson replied, "I trust this will be an annual award so I can win it for many years in the future." [11/81]
The Clerk reported that at the IM collation ... she and the President convened in the bathroom and decided to undertake one last attempt to reform the Barbarian Mark Olson. ... [Mark] is still practicing forkritude. The Board has concluded that chopsticks are too difficult for him to use. [The Clerk then held up a brown bag labeled "Revenge of the Exec Board."] Therefore, we are now presenting Mark with a set of "training chopsticks," which are attached at the top with a hinge. Mark accepted the chopsticks with nary a vestige of guilt. [5/82]
A.3(9)M [George Flynn delivered a statement purporting to refute the charge that he had leaked to SF Chronicle the information that NESFA was going to buy the Sheraton-Boston.] MSPU that NESFA accept with regret George's admission of guilt. [4/83]
A.3(10)M Jim Turner said Mike Glyer believed that Instant Massage was real until he clued him in. MSPU to censure Jim Turner. [4/83]
A.3(11)M Anton Chernoff asked about the [Codclave] pool. Frank Richards said the pool will be open 24 hours a day unless there are noise complaints. Paula Lieberman announced that she had been previously thrown out of the pool for singing. Tony Lewis said he didn't know Paula could sing. Rick Katze protested that Paula could sing as well as he could. The beleaguered Chair, after bruising the gavel on the table, allowed the following motion: MSP to throw out all those who had spoken about singing. [11/83. The Sergeant-at-Arms succeeded in avoiding enforcement of this motion until everyone forgot about it.]
A.3(12)M MS (proposed by the beleaguered Chair) that anyone who is declared out of order 5 times be thrown out the window. MS (proposed by Rick Katze) to amend that the window be opened first so that we don't have to pay the Belmont Lions Club for glass replacement. The Chair accepted this as a friendly amendment. The amended motion passed. [2/84]
A.3(13)M Mark Olson informed the Membership that the Rules Committee ... and George Flynn in particular should be censured for not including [in the NESFA Code] the rule that NESFA's Moon be administered as a county of South Dakota. They said they excluded it as the rule was never passed. This is a frivolous excuse, and they should be censured for not including it anyway. Tony Lewis cautioned that any motion to censure must be sent to the Rules Committee. MSP to refer this matter to the Rules Committee. MS (proposed by Tony) to amend that the motion should have read to refer this matter to the Rules Committee at the March meeting to be reported out favorably at the April meeting. Mark graciously accepted this as a friendly amendment. The beleaguered Chair explained to the befuddled Membership that the motion just passed was now being amended. Parliamentarian Don Eastlake was consulted as to the amendment's legality. After due reflection, Don rendered the following opinion: MS to adjourn. The Chair refused to hear this opinion and asked the Rules Committee to speak. George Flynn replied that since the motion censured him personally, it was improper for him to consider this issue. He then announced his retroactive resignation. ... Mark said that since George had retroactively resigned we could censure him now for impersonating the chairman of the Rules Committee. George replied that his resignation took place in a different time track. ... [4/84. It is not clear whether any final action was taken. However, cf. Section A.5(12) for subsequent developments.]
A.3(14)M George Flynn reported that he was contacted by Unicon about using his Gene Wolfe bibliography from the Boskone Program Book. He approved, but now realizes that it was copyrighted to NESFA. He feels he should either have approval for his action or be censured. MSH (Mark Olson) to give George approval AND censure him. [6/84]
A.3(15)M Davey Ferree noted that spendthrift Rich Ferree had gone out and bought new ski equipment and convinced her on getting a new dining room set. MSP (Davey): To commend him for buying such nice things, and condemn him for spending money that could otherwise have been donated to the NESFA Building Fund. [9/84]
A.3(16)M MSP to censure the roof for not leaking. [3/94]
A.4 Puns
A.4(1)? [In correction to minutes:] Cory Seidman ... wished to make clear that she had made an unintentional pun and was NOT fined for it. This is an important precedent. [3/69]
A.4(2)F At this point [during election of Punster of the Year] Mike Di Genio tossed a pun fine across the room into a pitcher of ice water. The fine was returned to him because anybody with that sort of luck deserves it. Even if it did hit the rim. [5/76]
A.4(3)M MSP to allow those Members of NESFA who are under the age of two years to make puns without having to pay for them. It was noted that while we would give up some immediate financial gain by allowing them to get away with it for awhile, we would generate funds in the future after they have learned a habit which they will not be able to break. Tony Lewis thought it was mean and cruel and viscous [sic] to discriminate against the young in this matter but stated that he was in favor of it. [6/79]
A.4(4)M There was no [Fan Production Committee] report, but lots of puns. ... MSP to double the pun fine during this onslaught of puns. [9/82]
A.4(5)M Paula Lieberman started to speak, hesitated, and decided not to continue. However, the Membership noticed, with the following result: MSP to punfine Paula for thinking of it. [12/82]
A.4(6)M Tony Lewis said his boss went to California and won't be returning. "Californicated," commented Chip Hitchcock. MSPU to triple-punfine Chip. [2/83]
A.4(7)M Jim Turner proposed a [Codclave] registration rate of $19.89. MSP to double-punfine Jim Turner for suggesting the $19.89 rate. [10/83]
A.4(8)M MSP to reset the time to the beginning of the last Business Meeting to enable us to double the punfine at the Annual Meeting. MSP to double the punfine at the next meeting. MSP to end the time travel. [5/84, except while it was 4/84; I'm not sure I understood this one even at the time (times?).]
A.4(9)M MSP to double the pun fine at this [Annual] meeting. MSP to make it retroactive for James Turner. [5/85]
A.4(10)M MSP: Whereas certain NESFAns
identify themselves as being Frank Richards, when any one or a combination of
Frank Richards makes a statement which is subject to a pun fine, then each and
every Frank Richards, whether or not present at the meeting, shall pay the
appropriate pun fine. [5/85. At the same meeting (though not
recorded in the minutes at the time), the President apparently ruled that
all Members present were Frank Richards; this greatly increased
both the pun fines collected and the protests.]
MSP to rescind the Chair's ruling making all the NESFA Members present at the
May meeting Frank Richards. [6/85. Presumably the original
motion still applies to those who do identify themselves as
Frank Richards.]
A.4(11)M MP (Building Search Committee) to double the pun fine for jokes dealing with printing, cleaning, clothing, barbers, or haircuts. [9/85, at the start of the discussion of acquiring the present Clubhouse]
A.4(12)M MS (Rich Ferree) that people who wish to decline a nomination for Punster of the Year should pay $5.00. MS (Larry Gelfand) to amend that Rich Ferree pay a double pun fine for each person who declines nomination to the position of Punster of the Year. Amendment accepted by Rich (!) and motion passed in that form. [5/86]
A.4(13)M MSP that [Treasurer] Sharon Sbarsky get a large Mexican hat into which people could throw punfines. [9/86]
A.4(14)M In an attempt to have the Chair pun-fined, MSP (George Flynn) that the meeting had begun a minute ago. [11/86]
A.4(15)M MSP (Mark Olson) [at the start of the meeting] to make all puns so far uttered to be said 5 minutes in the future so that they could be fined. [5/87]
A.4(16)M MSP (George Flynn) that any mention of tomatoes be subject to punfines. [7/90, following numerous statements by Priscilla Olson that "no one was leaving without a tomato plant."]
A.5 The Aerospace Cadets and NESFA's Moon
A.5(1)M MSP to establish Lt. Col. Harry
Stubbs [USAFR] as commander of the NESFA Aerospace Cadets, and to establish Don
Eastlake, George Mitchell, and Selina Lovett as members. Colonel Stubbs is to
think of an appropriate title as commanding officer. In addition J.R.M. Seitz
is official Schwarze Henker. [10/70]
Joe Ross said Lt. Col. Stubbs did not report on his title. Jean Berman
suggested "Lord of Wings." This was misheard by the Clerk as
"Lord of the Wings." It was MSP to make it so. [11/70]
A.5(2)F USAFR: Lt. Col. Stubbs is now Col. Stubbs.
A.5(3)F USAFR: The Lord of the Wings -- Harry Stubbs -- announced that barring a Major War or Act of God he will retire from the USAF on 27 August 1976. [1/76]
A.5(4)M MSH that Alan Frisbie and Paula Lieberman be made members of the Aerospace Cadets. [11/73]
A.5(5)F USAF: Paula Lieberman (after apparently finally collecting enough boxtops) was promoted to captain. [7/79]
A.5(6)F USAF: Paula Lieberman reported that since the Air Force ran out of boosters, she didn't become a test director. Now that she's left the Air Force, she's working for Mitre, advising the Air Force. She's also in the Inactive Reserves. [10/81]
A.5(7)M [Tony Lewis] showed the moon map from the Nov 1970 issue of Sky and Telescope. Hugo Gernsback crater was identified, as were Wiener, Ley, Verne, Wells, etc. As a result of this increase in cultural knowledge it was MSP that the Moon be designated NESFA's Moon and that the Aerospace Cadets protect it. [12/70. Cf. Section A.5(11).]
A.5(8)M MSH (1 abstention & 1 real
objection) to instruct the Aerospace Cadets to claim and plant a flag with the
NESFA emblem in the comet [Kohoutek]. Many people felt that by the time it was
decided what the emblem should be, the comet would have passed us. [11/73]
MSP: The aerospace cadets should abandon plans to plant our flag on Kohoutek
and wait for the next time it comes around, if we have a flag by then. [3/74]
A.5(9)M MSP: That the Aerospace Cadets give a State of the Moon Report at the Annual Meeting. [4/75]
A.5(10)M Bob Knowlden announced there
will be a total lunar eclipse on the night of July 5 and 6. ... MSP that the
Aerospace Cadets watch the eclipse to see if our lunar property rights are being
infringed upon. [6/82]
The Chair read a letter of complaint from Tony Lewis protesting the unauthorized
use of NESFA's Moon. MSP to appoint Tony to prevent the occurrence of any
further unauthorized eclipses. Mike Di Genio thought the NESFA Displacement
Authority should be reinstated to move the Moon and protect it from unauthorized
use. Tony estimated the job would be rated 1.5 million Drews. [7/82]
A.5(11)M Chip Hitchcock stated that Walt Disney's Splash not only uses NESFA's Moon but abuses it by having it wax in the wrong direction. Action should be taken. MS (proposed by Chip) to write Walt Disney Studios a letter protesting their misuse of NESFA's Moon. MS (proposed by Rick Katze) to amend that we not protest to Disney Studios but to their publicity agency (Craig Miller's Con-Artists). Chip accepted this as a friendly amendment. The amended motion passed. [4/84]
A.5(12)M Mark Olson brought up the matter of the Standing Rules not stating that the Moon be administered as a county of South Dakota, and that George Flynn should be censured for not including it anyway, even if NESFA had never voted on it. MSP (Mark): That the Moon be administered as a county of South Dakota. [11/84. See Section A.3(13) for the background of this action. On this occasion the motion to censure George failed.]
A.5(13)E MSP to recommend to the Membership that NESFA recognize the independence of the Baltic republics if and only if they recognize NESFA's ownership of the Moon. [8/91]
A.5(14)F Clerk: A poster was received from the Nikolaev (Ukraine) SF Club in return for a Symes portfolio (the Clerk was accused of restarting the Cold War). They agreed to recognize our claim to the Moon as being as valid as anyone's; we choose to interpret this as confirming our claim. [9/92]
A.6 Marriage and the Family
A.6(1)E It was voted to allow NESFA Directors [now Trustees] to marry one another if they so choose. [1/71. The Directors in question were Lester del Rey and Judy-Lynn Benjamin.]
A.6(2)M MS to allow NESFA Members to marry one another if NESFA approves. MSP to amend by adding "as long as this is not in conflict with Chapter 180 of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Act of 1954, as amended." MSP to refer this whole matter to Discussion Group 104. Morris Keesan objected for real. [12/71]
[The Rules Committee considers it prudent not to include the numerous motions authorizing the marriages of individual Members, especially since some have been the subject of more than one such motion.]
A.6(3)? The Fan Production Committee shall be chaired by the Member expected next to give birth. [Immemorial tradition: earliest reference we have found is 7/72.]
A.6(4)M MSP (from Brons) to commend Wendy Glasser for turning over seniority on the Fan Production Committee on the day of the Annual Meeting. [5/81]
A.6(5)M Rick Katze asked Mr. Harter if he
was a good son and had sent his mother a Mother's Day card. ... He replied
that he had sent a Christmas card -- last week. MSP (proposed by Chip
Hitchcock) that considering Mr. Harter's schedule we postpone discussion of his
sending a Mother's Day card until October. [5/83]
MS (proposed by Chip) to postpone further discussion until next April. Rick
said that Mrs. Harter is a very nice mother. [Someone said it was the least we
could do.] Tony Lewis thought that the least we could do is nothing. The motion
failed (Chipped). Mark Olson said that Mr. Harter might not be a dutiful son,
but he is a dutiful NESFAn. Therefore, we should appoint him to head the NESFA
Mother's Day Committee and direct him to send his mother a card. MSH to send
June Harter a Mother's Day card. (Hi, June!) Since Greg Thokar Hartered this
motion, George Flynn thought he should be punfined. The Membership concurred.
A.6(6)M Harry Stubbs is our Official Grandfather and the Clerk is directed to send him a card on Father's Day. [6/86]
A.7 Meetings and Parliamentary Strangeness
A.7(1)M [At close of elections:] MSPU that the Association thank God that this kind of meeting only occurs once a year. [5/70]
A.7(2)M [After adoption of By-Laws:] Joe Ross moved that we pray to Ghu that we don't have to go through that again. Marsha Elkin added that we should also pray to FIAWOL. Passed 5-4. [3/71]
A.7(3)M It was proposed to create the "Spacehounds of IPC," with membership open to the numerous NESFA Members working at IPC at DEC. ... As an amendment, it was suggested to refer this to a bureaucracy control committee composed of Mr. Harter, to report at the first meeting of 1975. As you all know, he did report then, and the Membership voted at the December 1976 meeting to accept his recommendations, which were favorable. However, the Membership also defeated the motion referring the matter to committee. There, isn't that the clearest example of a parliamentary time paradox you've seen today? [12/76: The "Spacehounds of IPC" continued to deliver reports over the next couple of years, but eventually faded away.]
A.7(4)M Ann McCutchen moved to refer to all persons of indefinite or unknown sex as "she." ... The motion was duly seconded by an unidentified female voice. [Half a page of increasingly silly debate is omitted.] MSP that the motion on the table will only apply to this IM if passed. ... MSP as amended. ... Seventeen Regular Members voted on this motion. 13 voted yes and 5 voted no. MSP that the maker of the previous motion should determine who is of undetermined sex. [2/79]
A.7(5)M [After all Officers had been elected by acclamation:] MSP (from Brons) that the Clerk be instructed to record that one vote was cast for the Lesser Plant. [5/81]
A.7(6)M Mr. Harter was supposed to deliver a report for Mr. James Mark Anderson [the Editor].... Unfortunately, Mr. Harter couldn't remember any of Mr. Anderson's witty, glowing report. MSP to accept Mr. Harter's virtual report. ... Tony Lewis hoped that delivering a virtual report doesn't cause too many page faults. [1/82]
A.7(7)M [At the end of 2 pages' worth of debate on rules changes:] MSP (proposed by Mark Olson) to give ourselves a vote of semi-congratulations. [9/82]
A.7(8)M MSP (proposed by Mark Olson) that we declare it to be 6:15 PM. MSP to adjourn at 4:08 PM (actually 6:15 PM). [11/82]
A.7(9)M Jim Turner said he arrived late as he thought the meeting was at the Belmont Lions Club. MSP to redefine Alyson Abramowitz's apartment as the Belmont Lions Club. [12/82]
A.7(10)M MSH to transfer Subscribing Members Rich Ferree, Davida Malamut, and Andy Robinson to General Membership [after the same motion had been illegally passed the month before]. After Rick Katze's motion to make these appointments retroactive was ruled Out of Order, Mark Olson proposed that we ask the Membership Committee to investigate time travel and report on their results. Tony Lewis, a member of the committee, reported that they had already conducted such an investigation and will soon publish a report last year. MSP to accept Mark's motion. [8/83]
A.7(11)M [After 2 hours of dues debate the previous month] MSP (Mark Olson) to amend that it is now 5:30 NESFA time and we've debated this issue for an hour and a half. MSP to [raise the dues and] declare NESFA Standard Time to be 5:30 PM. Frank Richards attempted to move that we reset the time in the universe to what the National Bureau of Standards thinks it is. MSP (Jim Mann) that Frank Richards call the NBS to tell them we've changed the time to 5:30. [5/86]
A.7(12)F President: [After the failure of a motion to redefine the location of the Clubhouse as being on NESFA's Moon,] MS (Rick Katze) to call for a division of the house. Chair Joe Rico declared the house was divided into 1.37 parts. [7/86]
A.7(13)F President: Priscilla Olson attempted to raise a POINT OF PHILOSOPHICAL COMMENTARY. Joe Rico refused to recognize her and thus we will never know what she wanted to say. [3/88]
A.7(14)M After some confusion it was declared to be the sense of the Membership that the Rules Committee should handle [adjust?] ordinary constants of the universe to be correct and to "fix Nature's mistakes." [5/92, in connection with the updating of Section 2.4(5); it is recommended that future Rules Committees use this power to reduce the force of gravity, in order to facilitate access to NESFA's Moon and simplify the tasks of Boskone Logistics.]
A.7(15)M MSPU to delete from the minutes all discussion that relates to the Great NESFA Conspiracy. [11/93; for those unfamiliar with the matter, the Great NESFA Conspiracy is -- CLASSIFIED -- .]
A.8 Motions of Commendation, Distress, Etc.
A.8(1)M MSP that NESFA express its distress at Jim Saklad's looks. First Lt. Saklad (Med. Corps) is in the Reserves and had to get his hair cut. It was amended to include Mike Symes in the motion. [8/71]
A.8(2)M MSP that the clerk send a congratulatory message to Frederick upon his reaching his 30th birthday. The Clerk will do so as soon as he has the Postcode for the cave in Penzance. [2/29/76]
A.8(3)M MSP to direct the Clerk [Don Eastlake] to write a letter of commendation to the former President [Don Eastlake] in glowing terms. [5/77]
A.8(4)M MSP to console Dave Anderson on his election as a Regular Member. [8/79]
A.8(5)M MS (proposed by James Turner) to commend Boxboro Fandom for taking care of the Great Unwashed once again at Boskone. Mark Olson was ruled Out of Order when he moved to amend by forming a Euphemism Committee to redraft James' motion. James' motion passed. [3/84]
A.8(6)M George Flynn reported the Rules Committee had done nothing (applause), and should therefore be thrown out of office. MSP (Tony Lewis) to commend them for having done it so well. [5/84]
A.8(7)M [The Treasurer reported that] we do have an apparent loss of $24,000 since Boskone Life and NESFA Life are now being tracked as liability accounts. MSP (Jane Wagner) to commend Sharon Sbarsky for accomplishing more in her first month than any previous NESFA Treasurer. [6/85]
A.8(8)M [On the occasion of the unsold copies of Up There and Other Strange Directions being shipped to Sharon's porch after Nolacon II,] MSP to express sympathy for Sharon's porch. [9/88]
A.8(9)M Dues arrived from June Harter in
time for Mother's Day. MSPU to censure Mr. Harter as not being a dutiful son
for failing to pay his mother's NESFA dues. (It was felt that Mr. Harter would
have supported this motion.)
Pam Fremon reported that she had called her mother today, who asked her
why she wasn't at the NESFA meeting. MSPU to commend Pam's mother. [5/94]
A.9 The Fanzine Review Board and Instant Message
A.9(1)F Clerk: The Fanzine Control Act of 1971 is a little-known part of the Phase 2 economic program designed to fight fanzine inflation. Fanzines are important to the economy, particularly as regards the manufacturers of duplicating equipment and the United States Postal Service, and it is in the public interest to see that fanzines do not become so inflated that their publishers are unable to maintain them (the recent collapse of Science Fiction Review is a case in point).
The job of the Fanzine Review Board is to see to it that the President's guidelines are enforced (these include a maximum permissible increase in number of pages of 5.5% per annum; any editor going from mimeograph to offset must have FRB approval).
The Board consists of five fans, five pros, and five large contributors to the Republican Party.
Due to a statutory change in position, Dr. Anthony R. Lewis has resigned his position on the Fanzine Review Board; he has been replaced by Dr. Douglas J. Hoylman. All future questions or requests for amplification should be addressed to Dr. Hoylman.
[5/72: First three paragraphs quoted from Doug Hoylman's apazine of 2/72.]
A.9(2)F Fanzine Review Board: The Fanzine Control Number for Instant Message is 72 58837.
A.9(3)M With the current apa shortage, MSH: the scope of the Fanzine Review Board be expanded to cover this. [2/74]
A.9(4)M MSP to require the Clerk to read Instant Message. [2/80. The provocation for this motion was not recorded.]
A.9(5)M George Flynn could find no significant errors in IM 295! MSP (proposed by George) to commend the Clerk and/or censure the Proofreader. [8/81]
A.9(6)M MSP (proposed by Greg Thokar) to commend the Clerk for finally producing a short IM. [10/81]
A.9(7)M The Clerk read the following excerpt from the latest File 770: "CLASSICS SCANDAL RIPS NESFA" [regarding Frank Richards' erroneous attribution of the quotation "Pecunia non olet" to Caligula rather than Vespasian at a NESFA meeting]. ... MSP (proposed by Jim Hudson) to place on the front page of the next IM in Latin: "File 770 Has No Odor." [5/82. The Clerk complied by printing: "ILEFAY EVENSAY EVENTYSAY ASHAY ONAY ODORWAY."]
A.9(8)M [George Flynn reported only one correction to the previous IM.] MSP (proposed by Rick Katze) to congratulate the Clerk for George's short report. [6/82]
A.9(9)F [After "Instant Massage 327":] The Clerk was asked what the number of the next IM would be. An emergency meeting of the Fanzine Review Board was held last week to consider this matter; they ruled that the next IM would be issue 328, as we wouldn't want to confuse Mike Glyer. [1/83]
A.9(10)M MSP to commend [Clerk] Pam Fremon for a good job. It was noted that Pam should be further thanked for having shortened Noreascon 3, which the last IM listed as running from August 31 to September 1. [12/88]
A.9(11)M MSP that no Elvis stamps ever be used in mailing IM. [1/93]
A.10 Finances
A.10(1)M Fred Isaacs reported that due to a DECREASE in prices the adding machine and supplies cost only $62.80 ($72.10 authorized). MSP that NESFA express its amazement that any prices would go down. [8/71]
A.10(2)M [After the previous Lexicon hotel made a bad report on us:] MSP(objection by Morris Keesan) to buy a gallon of unmitigated gall. [5/73]
A.10(3)M Procurement: A 16mm projector was recently acquired for $0.00 with the help of Steve Kallis. MSP (1 objection by the former Treasurer) to appropriate for the Procurement Committee the sum of $0.00 to be used as needed. [12/73]
A.10(4)E RESOLVED, that at this point in time NESFA disclaims all rumors that we will buy Amazing and Fantastic. [1/74]
A.10(5)M Ellen Franklin moved to appropriate $250,000 for a clubhouse, Rick Katze seconded, there was no debate: MSP. The President later noted under old business that the motion was out of order. [7/80]
A.10(6)M MSP (proposed by George Flynn) to increase the budget by one cent. George's was the only "nay" vote, of course. [11/81]
A.10(7)M MSP (proposed by Mr. Harter) to vote to send the [Chicon IV] Operation Rathole money to the NESFA Clubhouse Fund. [3/82]
A.10(8)M Greg Thokar pointed out that if
Ben Yalow shows up one more time he'll have to be made a General Member. Laurie
Mann moved to waive the rules to make Ben a General Member, but this was not
legal. MSP that if it were legal we would do it and raise his dues accordingly.
[After Ben was in fact made a General Member:] MSPU that NESFA regrets it can
only raise his dues $3. [12/82]
A.10(9)M There's a rumor heard at Spike's store that Boskone is premiering Revenge of the Jedi. (This is NOT TRUE!) MSPU we'd charge $30 a head attendance if we did have the movie to preview. [12/82]
A.10(10)M The Membership Committee moved that $160 be appropriated for ad space in the Noreascon 3 Program Book. Chip Hitchcock countered that only a more fannish number of $137 should be appropriated so that Rick could run $23 over his budget. [Amendment passed 11-9, MSPU as amended.] [6/89]
A.11 The NESFA Cavalry
A.11(1)M Resolved, that in keeping with Science Fiction's glorious tradition of "forward into the past" and to protect the New England Science Fiction Association, Inc., from the depredations of similar groups, the New England Science Fiction Association, Inc., shall ordain and establish a Corps of Cavalry to be known as:
Gharlane of Eddore's Own Boskonian Cavalry Regiment.
Be it further enacted that the Colonel-in-Chief of the Regiment shall be Leslie J. Turek and the Adjutant of the Regiment shall be Richard NMI Harter (commonly known as Mister Harter). Other members shall be enrolled in the Regiment at the indiscretion of the Officers and the Membership of the New England Science Fiction Association, Inc. [Moved by Tony Lewis.]
Fred Isaacs offered an amendment to add the position of Official Horse's ____ but this was ignored. A large number of bad puns were made. ... A roll call vote of the Regular Membership was requested: Aye 23; Nay 4 (these are nay votes, not "neigh" votes); Abstain 2; Present 1; Pass 1; Absent 18. The motion carried. [5/75]
A.11(2)M MSH (Jean Johnson) that Equus Quagga Quagga (which is extinct) be the official mount of the NESFA Cavalry. [6/75]
A.11(3)M MSPU: Make Flanders (supported by Linda Kent) (if that's the right phrase) an honorary Frisian War Horse and NESFA Cavalry member. (Included much discussion about a Frisian horse going by the sobriquet of Flanders.) [11/76]
A.11(4)M MSH to appoint Anne McCaffrey
Inspector-General of the NESFA Cavalry, should she be willing to accept the
post. [12/76]
Cavalry reported that Anne McCaffrey went out with them and rode three horses.
A.12 The NESFA Displacement Authority
A.12(1)M Joe Ross asked why, if NESFA insisted in giving permission for its Members' marriages, why didn't they insist on the far more important right of monitoring where people resided? That was promptly made into a motion, seconded, and passed, with much banter about refusing any house thought not to have enough storage capacity. Leslie Turek made a friendly amendment that the last person to have moved will be the Chair. The committee was quickly named the NESFA Displacement Committee, and was also given the responsibility for engineering all future moves of any requesting NESFA Member. [9/80]
A.12(2)M MS (proposed by Ken Knabbe) to activate the NESFA Displacement Authority as an "official necessity committee" to move other Members and their belongings. MSP (proposed by George Flynn) to amend that Drew Whyte be named Ex-Officio Chairman. Motion passed as amended. [7/81]
A.12(3)M Horrorific news from Ken Knabbe: Part of Drew's stuff in storage will need to be moved, as it is being evicted from its storage space. This news was greeted with cries of despair. The move is rated at 0.2 Drew. MSPU (proposed by George Flynn) to disband the NESFA Displacement Authority. [3/82]
A.12(4)M [Moves by Krissy and Rick Katze were announced.] MSPU (proposed by Chip Hitchcock) to reconstitute the NESFA Displacement Authority. MSP to make Tony Lewis head of this new committee. Tony announced that after this meeting adjourns we are going to Drew's to pack. [7/82]
A.12(5)F NESFA Bureau of Standards: The "Drew" was originally defined as the unit of displacement needed to move Drew Whyte from Boston to Cambridge. Since Drew's move required the use of five trucks of an average of roughly 20' in length (some were longer, but at least one was only half filled), the Drew has been redefined as being 100 running feet of standard 20' U-Haul truck volume, packed absurdly tightly. A move can thus be rated by converting to feet of standard U-Haul trucks and then multiplying by an absurdity factor. It is believed that the absurdity factor for all moves other than Drew's will be less than unity. [9/83. Actually from Mark Olson's apazine.]
A.13 Foreign Relations and Religion
A.13(1)M MSP (proposed by Mark Olson) to establish an Albuquerque Branch of NESFA with Dave Cantor, President; and Terry McCutchen and Dave Anderson, members in good standing. Wendy Glasser thought they should meet the same times we do. Dave Cantor stated that if this motion passed, he'd offer his hotel room as an Other Meeting site. [10/81]
A.13(2)M Dave Cantor reported that there was a meeting in Albuquerque on February 12 [during Boskone]. No one was there, as all members were at the Park Plaza. ... MSP (proposed by Anton Chernoff) to have the Albuquerque Branch not meet monthly. [3/82]
A.13(3)M The Chair wants to organize a tour of Australia if they win the [1985 Worldcon] bid. MSP to send Dave Cantor to Australia by train. [10/82]
A.13(4)M When Tom Galloway failed to receive a second when he proposed that NESFA form a Philadelphia Branch, J.R. tried again, successfully: MS to form a Philadelphia Branch of NESFA. ... Tony Lewis said this is stupid and nonsensical and therefore should be put into effect. J.R.'s motion passed. [8/83]
A.13(5)M [A report from the Philadelphia
Branch mentioned, "There was not a single copy of Robert's Rules to
be found!"] The Chair quickly gaveled Chip Hitchcock out of order when he
attempted to make a motion to form the NESFA Foreign Aid Committee, whose first
order of business would be to disperse Robert's Rules of Order to
"these benighted savages." MS (proposed by Tony Lewis) to form the
NESFA Missionary Society to carry out the above activity. [A paragraph of
debate is omitted.] ... MSP to form the NESFA Missionary Society. [9/83]
[On the theory that there is a limit to even silliness, the Rules
Committee declines to list the "rules" passed by the Philadelphia
Branch. However, they are encouraged to publish their own
A.13(6)M Alex Layton said that since
NESFA is going to go forth and enlighten fandom, we should establish an office
of High Priest. ... The friendly amendment was offered to call the office
Frank (for the generic Frank Richards). MSP (Alex): To establish the office of
NESFA High Priest, to be called Frank. MSP (Wendy Glasser): To appoint Tony
Lewis to the office of High Priest. Tony, in order to fulfill his new duties,
wished to procure an obsidian knife. [12/84]
Tony thought that there should be a new class of NESFA sin -- simony (the buying
and selling of holy offices). MSP (12-8) to create the NESFA sin of simony.
A.13(7)M MSP to authorize NESFA to enter into a sisterly relationship with LASFS. The debate was endless. The Clerk hesitates to even attempt to summarize it. [10/87. This item might have filled half a page if the Clerk hadn't finked out.]
A.14 Other Committees
A.14(1)M MSP: to appoint Jimdoc [Dr. Jim Saklad] official Veterinarian, with the title "Speaker-to-Animals," and to have the duty of feeding fish and microfiche to the Corporate Seal. [10/74]
A.14(2)M MSP to appoint Bob Spence as chairman of the Fan Redesign Committee, which is also being established, and that the goal of the committee (as suggested by Freff) was that it be for better or worse. [8/79]
A.14(3)M George Flynn, in his
never-ending quest for the perfect printed page, has noted that NESFA's
Reputation and History has been slurred and slewed [in various reference books.
It was] therefore moved that a committee be appointed to not write that history,
and to not do such other things as it sees fit; further, that that committee
consist of all Regular Members with the exception of Leslie Turek (on the
grounds that she is a compulsive worker, and won't leave anything alone!). This
motion was seconded, debated, and amended to include Leslie, provided that she
promise faithfully not to do anything. MSP. [7/80]
[In spite of the above motion, a real position of
"Historian" was established in 5/81 and abolished in 9/83, nothing of
significance having been done in the interim. Earlier, Joe Ross served as NESFA
Historian in 1971-72 and actually produced one chapter of the history of
A.14(4)M MSPU (proposed by Sue Hammond)
that she be made a Cookie Committee. ... MSPU (proposed by Rick Katze) to have
the Cookie Committee report right after the President in the queue. [4/82]
Sue Hammond [said] she'd been doing Cookie Committee
for 3 years now and wished to be retired. MSP (Sue Hammond) that the Standing
Rule be changed and that Sue Lichauco be made the Rookie Committee. [5/85]
A.14(5)M [Ann McCutchen reported on ordering 300 pounds of chocolate for NESFAns through Martin Minow.] MSPU (proposed by Tom Galloway) to appoint a Chocolate Committee with Martin Minow as chair. [1/83]
A.14(6)M The Chair stated that he had received a request to begin a Brighton [in '89] Liaison report. ... MSP to include the Brighton Liaison report with future business meeting committee reports. [4/83]
A.14(7)M Don Eastlake III suggested that we sometime consider having a NESFA uniform. ... MS to establish an ad hoc committee to be set up to investigate the procurement and specifications of NESFA uniforms. Bob Knowlden begged for epaulettes. MS to amend to put the procurement of uniforms under the administration of the Doodad Committee. Joe Rico said he was too fatigued to discuss this. Jim Turner thought uniform acquisition should be done in conjunction with Fan Production, which produces uniform NESFen. ... The amendment failed 14 to 11. Discussion now returned to the main motion. Tony Lewis admonished people to pay attention as this was silly. ... The motion passed.
[1/84. By the next month the committee was reporting as the "Uniformity Committee," though this name was never formally approved. The Doodad Committee, by the way, was a (mostly) serious ad-hoc committee which arranged for the production of NESFA decals in 1983-84. While NESFA uniforms have still not been procured, in 3/87 it was voted to purchase for the Clubhouse Ann Chancellor's artwork depicting such uniforms.]
A.14(8) MSP (Rich Ferree): Whereas some
persons in NESFA are unable to distinguish other persons from Frank Richards,
Whereas I myself was addressed as Frank by the Chair during a recent business
A.14(9)M There shall be a position known
as Charwoman of NESFA. The person who takes this position shall be known as
"Mrs. 'Arris" during his or her tenancy. [7/86]
President: The post of Charwoman is abolished. Keeping the Clubhouse clean is
the responsibility of all Members. [8/87. Announced as a fiat,
but presumably consented to by the Membership.]
A.14(10)M MS (Suford Lewis): Whereas I
have a Mac with a 1200-baud modem and 2 communications utilities and want to at
least be able to talk to the Eastlakes' Mac; whereas increasing capability
exists for both machines; whereas this capability can significantly aid NESFA
activities such as Index, Book, and PB production, even the Apa, etc.;
whereas the main difficulty to be overcome is simply knowledge of procedures and
requirements: It is proposed that NESFA establish RETICULA NESFAE -- the NESFA
Net (to be referred to as RN) -- and an administrator to determine or publish
requirements and procedures and liaison with NESFA activities that can use the
RN as a resource, to be known as the RETICULARIUS. I volunteer to publish and
report whatever I find out about requirements, procedures, compatibilities to,
from, by, etc. RN stuff.
MS (Frank Richards): to amend to propose Suford as RETICULARIA. This was
accepted as a Friendly Amendment. The amended motion passed 15 to 6. [4/87]
A.15 Miscellaneous
A.15(1)M MSP to write to Sunsweet Prunes [one of the sponsors of Star Trek] to inform them of the fact that their prunes were served at NESFA meetings. [2/68]
A.15(2)M It was moved and seconded that Drew Whyte actually grow a beard and mustache "like that" (he was wearing a fake one). The motion was passed by acclamation except for Harter, who objected on the principle that too many motions are passing unanimously. [10/69. This may be the first recorded instance of "Hartering."]
A.15(3)M Ellen Franklin gave a graphic description of the newly renovated Republic Ballroom and the Grand Ballroom at the Sheraton. Apparently the style is early multi-color clash augmented by hundreds of light sabers hung from the ceiling and mirrors. It was then MSP to include dramamine in the First Aid kit. [1/78]
A.15(4)M Michael J. Ward, a charter Member of NESFA, suggested: "... an award, to be given each year to that NESFAn who has contributed in some particular and exceptional way to the success of the organization. I suggest further that this award be known as the 'Lewis'." [He also sent a "small statue" -- actually a model kit of "Oddjob" -- which he claimed resembled Tony Lewis.] Suford asked to call it something other than just the "Lewis." The motion to accept this award suggestion unanimously passed with one objection. [11/80]
A.15(5)M Bill Desmond said that at Boskone he became aware of a new group, the EN, "Enemy of NESFA." He wants to apply to become a member of this new NESFA order. Since he is already an FN (Fellow of NESFA), he would thus become a FEN. MSP (proposed by Bill Desmond) that he become NESFA's first FEN. Mark Olson suggested that all FEN should consult with the NESFA Acronym Committee. [3/82]
A.15(6)M People noticed that Leslie Turek had pinned to her green turtleneck jersey two green buttons which said "N = Infinity -- The Massachusetts Horror" (blamed on Steve Rosenstein) and "Noreascon Is Forever" (attributable to Louise Sachter). Mark Olson said Nancy Lebowitz had made up some of the buttons and will have them at Boskone. MSP to ask Nancy Lebowitz to make these buttons stock items. [11/82]
A.15(7)M Rick Katze announced that he and Chip Hitchcock [had each won two bridge trophies, which] were displayed. MS (proposed by Jim Turner) that Rick and Chip chair any future bidding committees. It was determined that anyone who voted for this motion would be punfined. The motion passed 1 to 0. [12/82]
A.15(8)M Dave Cantor noted that Drew Whyte has not visited us lately, but Skip Morris has. Therefore, he would like to redefine the unit of tardiness. MSP to redefine the unit of tardiness as the "Skip." Now the Drew has only one definition. [10/84. However, "Drew" was never previously used as a unit of tardiness.]
A.15(9)M MS (Rich Ferree) to replace the blue whoopee cushion toilet seat in the rear bathroom with a donated hard lilac toilet seat. MSF (the Clerk) to go into Committee of the Hole. [After much increasingly silly debate] the motion failed. MSP (Tony Lewis) for a roll-call vote. The motion passed 10 to 9 in favor of the lilac seat. [10/86]
A.15(10)E The Exec Board decided to accept a bet from the Lunarians: If the Red Sox win the World Series, the Lunarians will take out an ad in our Boskone Program Book congratulating the team; if the Mets win, NESFA places an ad in the Lunacon Program Book commending their success. [10/86; unfortunately, the Mets won.]
A.15(11)M George Flynn mentioned that the latest File 770's lead story was "NESFA GIVES LASFS THE SHAFT." George was informed that he should be punfined ... [and] MSH that George Flynn write a love letter to Mike Glyer. [2/87. The saga of The Shaft is not included here, since it is well known that NESFA had nothing to do with it.]
A.15(12)M MSP to declare the spruce an honorary pine. [11/88. This was part of the debate on amending the By-Laws to have "fringies" on the tree in the NESFA shield; the By-Law amendments were defeated, and we are thus saved from having to explicate this perennial issue in full. In brief, though... To quote the remarks of the legendary Frank Richards opening this particular debate, "the controversy lies in whether 'a pinetree proper' [By-Laws, Section 10.7(a)] merely requires authentic coloration and allows the use of a stylized but recognizable shape, or whether a photorealistic picture of a pine tree is required. ... [After a display of slides of assorted conifers:] the tree currently represented on the NESFA arms is not a pine tree, ... it is a spruce or possibly a balsam fir." It was thus proposed to include "fringies" on the NESFA arms, to make the tree depicted more nearly resemble the Platonic ideal of a generic conifer; this failed, as did other motions to replace "pine" with "spruce," "larch," "artificial Christmas tree," or "white artificial non-denominational-holiday-falling-in-December tree." See IM 447, 449, and 452 for further horrifying details. Cf. also Section 5.5(1), which emerged from the same debate.]
A.15(13)M MSP to ban watermelons from the Clubhouse (except that whole watermelons may be transported through the Clubhouse), unless the person bringing them in cleans the area up afterwards. [8/89; the serious core of this motion arose because Leslie Turek "had to clean off a table that was very messy with watermelon residue." An attempt to classify the zucchini as a watermelon failed.]
A.15(14)M (Ben Yalow) I'm surprised that no one has introduced a motion that we drool over the remarkable Gestetner copier [costing over $8000] exhibited at Noreascon 3. MSP (Dave Cantor) that we drool over said Gestetner. [9/89]
A.15(15)M MSP (Monty Wells) to designate Sharon Sbarsky's front porch as an honorary NESFA Clubhouse annex. [3/93]
A.15(16)M Box G has been changed to Box 390047 (or something like that) "for our convenience." MSPU to censure the USPS for aborting the Box G debate. [11/93: The "Box G debate" was presumably on whether or not to abandon it.]
A.15(17)M Dave Cantor requested transfer to Inactive status retroactive to Groundhog Day. The Rules Committee Chair said this was probably not in order, but that we'd do it anyway. MSP that Dave C. be a groundhog for six weeks. Oh, yeah, his request was also granted. [2/94]
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